WSJ: Dvorak Users Oppose Qwerty Layouts on Smart Phones, iPhones -
Dvorak isn't really the right model for touchscreens anyway, since it was designed for a physical two-handed keyboard (maximize use of the home row and alternation between hands, etc). I used the Fitaly keyboard layout on PalmOS ( and would like to see something like it on the iPhone, but Pete has a good point that this may defeat the iPhone's invisible key resizing. - Ben Darnell
That's interesting. I guess the optimal layout for preventing jammed keys probably is close to the optimal layout for making accurate predictions based on where you actually pressed... - Laurence Gonsalves
Not exactly. For jammed keys you want to avoid having letters that may appear consecutively adjacent on the keyboard. For predictive key resizing you want to avoid having adjacent letters that are likely to follow the same prefix. Having ING next to each other would be prone to jammed keys, but wouldn't pose a problem for predictive input. - Ben Darnell