Shoppers At Target Can’t Figure Out How Shopping Baskets Work via @imbadatlife @buzzfeed
I've seen these at Walgreens but each basket had a tall handle and wheels. It's very useful. These people are weird though. Dragging metal around the floor? No. - Zulema ❧ spicy cocoa tart
Okay, I can kinda maybe sorta see it, when there's one basket left and it's really stuck and you've never seen a rack like this before and you think maybe it's all meant to be attached? But the second photo has two baskets in the rack. And the last photo in the article has *ten* baskets? She took all ten baskets for herself? - bentley
The Target by me has baskets with pull out handles & wheels. Maybe they were used to those & were just confused. Or maybe drunk. - Starmama
Drunk would explain that last one. - Starmama
yeah, a couple of stores near me have those tall ones (that I don't see the use of. I mean, to unload it, you have to bend way over, and if I'm buying enough to need one of those, I'll get a regular buggy), but that's what I thought of first. Except for the clearly drunk ones. - ellbeecee