We are not quite sure what to think of 6 months. We can sit up pretty well. Do some pushups. Make noise with anything within reach. Love to try and sneak a peak at the boob tube. Get to eat smooshed fruits and veggies. But have an upper respiratory virus bringing the sleep time down from 1.5 hours to 1 hour. But it'll pass soon.
6 months of snot appears to have built up in his nose and it's all being leaked or coughed up today. Ugh - Steve C, Team Marina
This kid, so stinkin' cute! - Shannon - GlassMistress
Get well soon and Merry Christmas, Jeffrey. You're adorable! - Tamara J. B.
If you don't get that kid in a catalog or a commercial soon I don't know what. - Starmama
Thanks Spidra we have one of those in heavy rotation. - Steve C, Team Marina
If you can teach him some rhythm early, it should sound like beatboxing! - Spidra Webster