"Slumdog" Kids Back To School - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009...
"I don't want to sleep on the floor anymore. I want a proper bed and live where the air does not smell of poo. I have seen what it is like in America. Here, there is garbage everywhere, people get angry, swear and shout. I have realised how bad life is here. I just want to get out." - Karen Padham Taylor
"Meanwhile, both Rubina and Azharuddin continue to wear their Oscar clothes and pine for life in America" - Karen Padham Taylor
God, there's something wrong with this. These kids are traumatized. They were trotted out to LA as showpieces and now they can't live a normal life anymore. Is the production company and the Mumbai housing authority going to give them a flat, as promised? "I cannot believe these kids have just been left like this after being taken to Hollywood. It is bound to affect them psychologically," said social worker Sanjay Bhatia, who works in the slum. - Christopher Chung
Much better to see what is possible and strive for it in anguish, rather than be satisfied with the status quo. Coming from a lower middle-class background in India, I have bought old Fortune magazines from wastepaper shops for two rupees to read up on what was happening. Yes, it made my then condition seem like hell, but heck I would not be here now if I had not known what I wanted. - Mahesh CR
This is so sad! - April Buchheit
If you never realize there is something better out there for you, why would you climb out of the crap-hole you're in? - Rahsheen
That's really sad... I have been living under a rock and don't know much about the movie but didn't they make any money off of it since it was so successful?? - Lindsay
Lindsay, seriously, that's the part I don't understand. I would have thought they'd have made at least enough money for a "proper bed" and a place to put it, at least for a while... - Jason Wehmhoener
Honestly, it sounds like $1K would make a big difference in their lives... they didn't even make that much?? - Lindsay
back to School and back to the Slums - bcultral
Doesn't most of the responsibility fall on the people behind Slumdog? They had to make a few extra dollars that they can pay these kids. Why aren't they doing it?!? - grant fox
Perhaps this is a stretch, but how is this any different than any of the kids throughout the world who get used by large companies to manufacture products that we use in the West? Danny Boyle and co. are eating very well right now. - Cee Bee
If they're child actors, the money would've been paid to their parents. No matter how much the children made, the production company has no control over how the parents opted to spend it. - FFing Enigma
but do the same rules apply in India as they do here? from what I understand it would take a very small amount of $$ to make their lives better. The child actors in Slumdog were a significant part of the movie, and one could argue that they were the better actors as well (besides Freida Pinto, but I digress...). - grant fox
Sounds to me like the Indian government said they'd find houses for them and then backed out of it. Based on the photograph of the youngest boy's father hitting him, I'd guess his parents are pocketing the money and the officials are looking the other way. - Jason Wehmhoener
Mahesh: very powerful statement. This whole story makes me sad, partly because of how spoiled we are as Americans. - Robert Scoble
From the article: His father is also saying he wants more money for his son's film role. In addition to school, the kids were paid for their work and have trust funds set up for when they turn 18. - Nine DataAngel Ferdinand
At least they are in school. I hope they do something useful with their trust funds. - Jason Wehmhoener
How sad. But then again, so many kids never have any opportunities. - Andrew Pass
are we still pretending that the lives of actors are more important than those of "real pepole" ... "free" willy all over again? - simran