Jonathan Hardesty

Pulp is disgusting, and so is my writing.
That latest episode of Doctor Who was pretty darn good. Very economic storytelling there, unlike the last half of the previous season.
I think the tighter script was what won me over primarily on this. There's still a season to look forward to, although I could see myself getting behind on this pretty quickly. And here I used to be much more into this sort of thing. :P - Jonathan Hardesty
I didn't think to quite put it that way, Jonathan, but that's what I liked as well. The tighter script felt more like old Doctor Who, and there weren't /too/ many hand-wave moments. I still had some issues, but overall I liked it. - Jennifer Dittrich
Tighter as in each piece of action and dialog seemed directly related to the plot, the setting, or its resolution. Dialog often serves two purposes, and the audience is expected to keep up on their own. Contrasted with how they handled the weeping angels last season, this was pretty well knitted together. (Aren't exposition speeches a hallmark of all Doctors?) - Jennifer Dittrich
Today is the day before working the Holiday. Feh.
#FMSphotoaday This is me now, attempting look as silly as possible. How about #younow
Every time you auto-DM new followers, an anvil falls on a kitten and explodes.
My excuse these days is that my 9-5 has me a bit demoralized. Oh, and traffic too.
Writing #SausageSchool for @toonocracy has been really fun. I need to work on more writing projects.
Just killed half a pitcher of lemonade tonight. DAYUM SON.
If there was an energy drink called The Ron Swanson, I'd probably buy all of it.
I have not had a craving for pancakes in a really long time. Seriously, wiggle a cold pancake and you'll understand.
I had something vulgar to tweet and thought better of it. This post is so pointless it hurts. Vagina.
Frankly, I wouldn't mind more of these types of games. Let's get an #LANoire follow-up called Chicago Crime or something!
I quite dig L.A. Noire. There are control problems to be sure, but I like the detective work and sniffing out the clues.
The nice thing about not getting the holiday off is.......oh....wait...
I have a headache now. I'm annoyed. There's more, but I can't let my twitter get too mean.
Phones on Monday. Hurray. #ihatemyjob
Maybe something closer to what I went to school for.
And maybe something that doesn't deal with customers.
I need something that doesn't involve working on holidays..
Work to make something as simple as possible, find out people STILL don't grok it.
Namely, it doesn't let me fast-switch to diff accounts. Also doesn't do the saved draft thing that hootsuite does.
I keep thinking I'll give the main twitter site a try for awhile, but then realize it doesn't do certain things that are crucial for me.
You know when you scream at your cats after they've peed on your shoes and they just stare at you? Some peeps are the cats..
I have been known to pee on a few shoes when bored, or left alone to long. - Steve C, Team Marina
You mean "left alone too long," don't you, Steve? I have been left alone to long very often, but have never peed in any shoes. :^) - Friar Will
What's the point in working so hard if half of it never really matters anyway?
Dave is unsure about Stephen King.
It's hat day today at work. I wore a hat. Now my hair is stupid. #notnews
I'd rather be writing A, B, or C, where A, B, and C are at least 10 different ideas.
RT @toonocracy: Hey everyone, #Scottmercials Episode 2 is live! #ScottsTots
Hey @celtx is it possible to create a "project" on the web version of Celtx? It seems like all I can do at the moment is create folders.
RT @toonocracy: If you are one of those people who are into G+, our #Scottmercials event will be right up your alley!