Jonathan Hardesty

Pulp is disgusting, and so is my writing.
Hey @celtx is it possible to create a "project" on the web version of Celtx? It seems like all I can do at the moment is create folders.
RT @toonocracy: If you are one of those people who are into G+, our #Scottmercials event will be right up your alley!
RT @toonocracy: If FB is more your flavor, then you'll want to check out #Scottmercials event there!
Fighting a losing battle against sleep.
I could tell when I missed a bunch of questions I was in for some hurt. #LANoire
I didn't do so hot on that last L.A. Noire case. :(
It's a bit strange when you are confronted with the extent of your coffee addiction. Was just daydreaming about coffee beans a sec ago.
That is seriously hard core. - Victor Ganata
:D - Bren
I'm watching ParaNorman (177 others checked-in) #GetGlueHD #ParaNorman
I unlocked the ParaNorman Box Office sticker on #GetGlueHD!
Here for ParaNorman! (@ Vista Theater for ParaNorman) [pic]:
Always a great theater to go to. Easily my favorite. - Jonathan Hardesty
I had considered getting a beer or something this morning, but Mr. Pibb sounded better. #notamorningdrinker
Getting a burger and some never-ending fries with @faithx5 (@ Islands Restaurant)
My inspiration and frustration bounces back and forth like a kindergarten see-saw manned by asshole 12 year olds.
I miss Dunkin' Donuts. Stupid LA for not having one.
I'd probably be more agreeable to this policy change if I were clued in as to the why.
Having to decide which cereal I was going to eat for dinner #collegefreshman
Sorry, but Address Line 2 isn't for your alternate street address. Also, HOW DO YOU HAVE AN ALTERNATE STREET ADDRESS?!
Also, I'm not sure why you're surprised that UPS had some confusion as to where to deliver the package. Two street addresses tend to muck things up a bit. - Jonathan Hardesty
Hmm... alternate address for junk mail spam.... - Micah
The funny thing is that it's all "poor Samsung," like they're a ten-person underdog company.
Pro tip: don't grab your cat's leg when he's lifted it over his head to lick himself.
Or do. It's somewhat amusing. - Jonathan Hardesty
You can tell the weekend has started because all the social networks other than twitter have come completely to a halt.
McDonalds actually has a fairly normal-sized medium drink. Arbys on the other hand would have you think their behemoths are "medium."
There needs to be a breakdown of each fast food place by how they size their medium drinks.
Medium is the swing voter of the prepared food service industry. - Micah
I can't count how many times I've gone to McDonalds thinking the medium I'm getting is sized just like the medium at Arbys. I get their dinky medium and it's like "awww...." - Jonathan Hardesty
Wow, over 15k inane tweets. WHY AM I NOT SURPRISED?
Kind of sick of being along for the ride only.
It's REALLY tough to care about the task at hand when you aren't even included in the decision-making that affects said task.
RT @scotteweinberg: One key thing to remember: a bad movie doesn't always mean the screenplay was (or is) to blame. It takes lots of people to fuck a movie up.
I wonder: Can you make a good movie with a bad screenplay? - Stephen Mack
It just got corporate and high school up in this shit. Next week we go kindergarten and get gold stars.
Kinda dragging today. Maybe if I look at the clock now it will be 4pm. No? AWw.
In this episode of my webseries #SausageSchool the gang talks about how their weekend went. Calamity ensues.
Interest is an uphill battle today.
Jeezus, our upstairs neighbor walks like they're throwing a tantrum. KRIST ALEMIGHTEY!!!