Jonathan Hardesty

Pulp is disgusting, and so is my writing.
Interest is an uphill battle today.
Jeezus, our upstairs neighbor walks like they're throwing a tantrum. KRIST ALEMIGHTEY!!!
Naah, that's totally not it. My random @Toonocracy posts are brilliant. PSH.
Gotta start getting some more quality follows over at @Toonocracy - could be my horribly stream-of-conscious tweets are a turn-off.
I see all these cool people on twitter, but then I realize that they're famous and probably wouldn't follow back. Frowny Face With A Tear!
Did you know @toonocracy has a Google Plus page? Yup, they do. I post on it a lot!
I actually kind of like the twitter DM interface...when I can find it.
RT @gailsimone: The Batman films spend nine hours explaining how Batman could exist. Avengers takes ten seconds to say, superheroes exist, here we go.
It's amusing to watch Dave - my cat - go a little nuts. He's meowing, licking himself, bolting ten paces, and then stopping to lick himself.
Yeah, so I wrote this #webseries and stuff. It's fun times. #SausageSchool
Totally wrote that episode too! Well, I've written EVERY episode of #SausageSchool so far! #bragging #whatofit
RT @toonocracy: HEY GUYS! The new #SausageSchool episode is live now! -
I've totally heard the song at the end of Bourne Legacy before, but haven't seen the previous Bourne films. Did it play on another movie?
I actually like using the twitter site, but it's missing just ENOUGH features that these third party apps have...
Noticed a few content creators on G+ have bypassed using pages by just being real-person accounts. Yeah, that's shady, dudes.
Okay, Twitter, you want me to use the site proper? Where do I fast-switch to the other accounts I have? Where do I save drafts?
Also: WHY DO YOU HIDE DMs? :( - WoH: Professor MOTHRA
Also: WHY DO YOU HIDE LISTS? :-( - John (bird whisperer)
I didn't have enough characters for those last two questions, but they were on my mind. - Jonathan Hardesty
Hopefully Twitter learns how to manage lists better and make account-switching super easy before they drive away all the third-party apps.
RT @ebertchicago: NC-17 is as dead as the X.
Sad lunch is sad, but salty.
The show I write for on @toonocracy is premiering its second episode on Monday! Go team #SausageSchool
RT @toonocracy: We're gearing up for the release of #SausageSchool and we couldn't be more excited. Help spread the word! Join our events!
I've already checked out this week. I either need a vacation or some scenery-change.
calamityensues: Here’s the Old Navy commercial I did clean up for last week.  My friend did some clean up work on the animation for this commercial. Check it out. -
Combined Lipton Tea with Crystal Light lemonade. It's aight. Not huge on Lipton. May try other kinds of teas.
My phone also completely lost data signal for ten minutes. Doubtful those were related, or WERE THEY? I dunno. YOU TELL ME!
Hrm. My Facebook is not working at the moment. And here I was going to make an event for @toonocracy
So many technical difficulties. SHEESH.
Uh....why so many questions this morning? Boo.
RT @toonocracy: We have lift off! The newest episode of ASTRO RIOT is NOW!