That latest episode of Doctor Who was pretty darn good. Very economic storytelling there, unlike the last half of the previous season.
I think the tighter script was what won me over primarily on this. There's still a season to look forward to, although I could see myself getting behind on this pretty quickly. And here I used to be much more into this sort of thing. :P - Jonathan Hardesty
I didn't think to quite put it that way, Jonathan, but that's what I liked as well. The tighter script felt more like old Doctor Who, and there weren't /too/ many hand-wave moments. I still had some issues, but overall I liked it. - Jennifer Dittrich
Tighter as in each piece of action and dialog seemed directly related to the plot, the setting, or its resolution. Dialog often serves two purposes, and the audience is expected to keep up on their own. Contrasted with how they handled the weeping angels last season, this was pretty well knitted together. (Aren't exposition speeches a hallmark of all Doctors?) - Jennifer Dittrich