Jonathan Hardesty

Pulp is disgusting, and so is my writing.
So, I changed my background and I think it's excessive enough.
Do people carry on long convos via DM here on twitter? What kind of magical things do you talk about?
I only keep complaining about this because Hootsuite has become too cluttered for my tastes.
Okay, I kind of dig the twitter interface. It just lacks a certain FAST-SWITCHING big.
It's cool watching my show on the XBOX YouTube app. Just sayin'.
I completely spaced that my friend @CalamityEnsues has IMDB credit. DAAAAANG, son.
Sir, don't get in a huff at us because the hurricane delayed your shoes. Chill out and maybe help your fellow man while you wait.
And just like that, headache gone. Nope, it's back. Christ, decide already!
Headache time. Wow. This one is annoying and inconsistent.
Extra coffee for extra patience.
Clearly, attention to detail isn't a requirement. Competency is optional as well.
EXTERMI--WAIT A MINUTE, WHERE DID EVERYONE GO? cut to everyone just standing behind him.
Daleks finally found a way to become threatening in this modern iteration of Doctor Who instead of the ridiculousness they've always been.
I'd probably have conversations with myself, though, and that's kind of crazy-town.
I have conversations with myself, and my new co-worker thinks it´s crazy town, but she´s been kind enough to put up with it, and I´m aware of it enough to keep it to a minimum. Just barely. - #cryptic
Things would be so much easier if I could fast-switch between this twitter and the one I operate over at @Toonocracy
As a Facebook Page, how do you engage with....your fans?
I really just need to spend all day social networking and get paid for it. Yes. Let's pay Jon to do that. SAID NO ONE EVER.
Running the @Toonocracy twitter has reminded me how long it takes to find and engage followers, Jon says to no one in particular.
So, I've been writing an animated webseries called Sausage School. At its most basic, it's a bunch of hot dog puns combined with dude-bro humor, with an endearing slant. Not everyone's cup of tea, but I'm pretty proud of what my animator friend and I have done with it.
^ the YouTube playlist of the two episodes that are out currently. - Jonathan Hardesty
I'm sure as more of these come out you'll see a bunch of YouTubes link in. I get a little RT-share-happy on my stuff :P - Jonathan Hardesty
How do you turn the "buddloop" sound effect off on Hootsuite? It's annoying.
Slowly but surely......
If you haven't followed them yet, you should. It's basically me posting cool stuff. :)
I do social networking stuff for @toonocracy and they've released a new episode of Lloyd the Rockin Unicorn -
Oh my god. Just let it be 4pm already. Jeez.
#FMSphotoaday Day 3 - #faraway - looking at a hanging effigy of our old supervisor!
...Finding the right people to follow and converse with, not to mention doing my best to not be too spammy and annoying.
One of the interesting challenges when running a twitter account for a content provider like @toonocracy is engagement.....
Somehow the day slipped right on by. Sigh.
That latest episode of Doctor Who was pretty darn good. Very economic storytelling there, unlike the last half of the previous season.
I think the tighter script was what won me over primarily on this. There's still a season to look forward to, although I could see myself getting behind on this pretty quickly. And here I used to be much more into this sort of thing. :P - Jonathan Hardesty
I didn't think to quite put it that way, Jonathan, but that's what I liked as well. The tighter script felt more like old Doctor Who, and there weren't /too/ many hand-wave moments. I still had some issues, but overall I liked it. - Jennifer Dittrich
Tighter as in each piece of action and dialog seemed directly related to the plot, the setting, or its resolution. Dialog often serves two purposes, and the audience is expected to keep up on their own. Contrasted with how they handled the weeping angels last season, this was pretty well knitted together. (Aren't exposition speeches a hallmark of all Doctors?) - Jennifer Dittrich
Today is the day before working the Holiday. Feh.