Jonathan Hardesty

Pulp is disgusting, and so is my writing.
I unlocked the Premium Rush Box Office sticker on #GetGlueHD!
I'm watching Premium Rush (13 others checked-in) #GetGlueHD #PremiumRush
I probably didn't mention this before, but I saw ParaNorman and really enjoyed it.
It's been forever and a day since I've had chocolate milk. I HAVE BEEN MISSING BEAUTY AND TRUTH.
That reminds me of the time I was thirsty and drank a beer, ran out of that and then had some lemonade. #Ew
I felt tired so I chugged a glass of chocolate milk. Now I'm awake, but feel bleh.
When things get wonky, my sociable reserve kicks in. Today it depleted. Thankfully nice people didn't approach me when that happened.
#FMSphotoaday Day 7 - when I get home, this is the #natural turn of events..
looks about right - Sir Shuping is just sir
As it should be. :-) - vicster.
I'm not very invested in the whatever of today.
I've always been okay with working around Thanksgiving. But Christmas with the family is REALLY important to me.
I get it, that this is the nature of the beast. But I thought we were better than the beast. I guess not. Money is more important, I guess.
Looks like I'm locked out of any time off during the holidays until December 28th. I'm disappointed by this. Let's spruce up the resume.
That's pretty miserable Jon, good luck. - Steve C, Team Marina
I kinda dislike having to select which twitter to use on hootsuite when I have them all divided by tabs.
Thank goodness it's Friday, but I could really stand for it to be Saturday morning right now.
And I just recalled another something that irritates me. Christ. This is...whatever.
I think the tiredness just accumulates throughout the week until I become an irritable mess.
How about instead of theatrics y'all just put the time and energy toward fixing shit..
Anyone get the Hearthfire Add-On for Skyrim yet? Are the additions fun? Are they good? I NEED TO KNOW.
This will be funny in a year, maybe.
Clowns to the left of me, jokers to my right... Here I am.
stuck in the middle with you - VALZONE#SCREWED
It's a good thing airfare for the holidays remains a fixed price until the last possible minute. /sarcasm
Priorities, man, priorities.
It's starting to look like any time off I get for the holidays will be luck of the draw.
Dealing with some straight-up bullshit today.
#FMSphotoaday Day 6 - #everyday I check into a pretty cool place and work there.
You are only as beautiful as your last tweet. Butt.
#FMSphotoaday Day 5 - this sign at work was the only #Bright thing I could find.
Going the day without using Hootsuite and manually switching between accounts. Annoying, but I actually like the twitter interface.
Good lord, I haven't played L.A. Noire in a few days.
Had a hell of a time trying to spell "oops" as a child. Always spelled "opps" for some reason. What a nut!
So, I changed my background and I think it's excessive enough.
Do people carry on long convos via DM here on twitter? What kind of magical things do you talk about?