Accordint to my horoscope for today, I need to calculate my taxes to see how much was overpaid on my behalf and will be coming back to me.
I also need to shut up for the greater good of the group, but also remain true to my individual character. - Julian
Remember that one time when Derrick went to Italy?
What makes something "deluxe" as opposed to ordinary?
Unless it's the Grand Royale. In that case it's still just a big cheeseburger. - CAJ was here
Vince Offer is back. (Well... since last summer.) "Hey, accidents happen. How do you think the kids got here?"
Wait... when did I suddenly become a grown-up?
Pi day! As good a day for this as any other. - Back to just Joe
I need 33-hour days.
Move to approve. - Galadriel C.
I believe I will be getting this album.
Plurk is still going. I just posted on there, just because.
Yeah, when it was mentioned here earlier this week as a possible home for the LSW, I logged in after many years of not being there. It doesn't look like it's evolved much. Still, it's fun to see these sites that are still somehow chugging along. - Stephen Francoeur
New MacBook or new MacBook Pro?
The two announced this week... - Julian
It is possible that most of my tweets on Twitter originated here on FriendFeed.
I had it set up that way for a while, but then it didn't work, so I turned it off. - Back to just Joe
So much more friending to do. Meanwhile, I just noticed this:
Millions of Americans Don't Have Full Voting Rights. John Oliver Explains Just How Insane That Is. | Mother Jones -
I keep thinking that we are going to band together and build a bigger, much improved platform on which to host the communities we have built here. (After all, it has always been about the people.) It still has not set in that this is the end. In denial, I shall be.
OK. Enough for now. More following and stuff when I get home in the morning.
Today shall forever be known as Follow Monday.
On Twitter (@julian2). I also joined another existing escape pod:
Oh good. Still partially working.
Moving? Shaking?
Shoving. Making. - Marie
Loving, breaking. - Meg VMeg
Nope. just sitting here like a lump as usual. - lris
Nap, hugs, chocolate (?), strength. All things that I need right now as another week is well underway (with me already being behind).
**hugs** - Kirsten loves you
Should I get T25?
Logic tells me that one's current age is the best age to be. However, I feel like 26 was just right -- except I needed to have had a lot more going on by then that I have still not made happen.
This seems like a good night for a pie.
What sort of pie? - Ell Bee, See?
We've decided to start making pies and we'll be commencing tomorrow with what we're referring to as a "breakfast pie" on account of it containing bacon, sausage, beans, eggs, and hash browns. - Mark H
This has been much too long of a week, and I have been feeling a bit absent. Do I still truly exist (here)?
*pokes Julian* Yep. - Ell Bee, See?
Is it poke Julian day? Yay! *poke* - bentley
Adulting is: making it look like you effortlessly know what you are doing, despite winging it all the time and hoping that things do not fall apart.
In a nutshell, yes - MoTO Boychick Devil
Me mudder used to say "be like a duck", barely disturb the surface while peddling like hell below it. - MoTO Boychick Devil
Sounds about right. Minus the "effortlessly" part. That's really asking too much. - lris
Yep. - walt crawford
I am about to brave the roads. I just hope I can easily enough get out of my own neighborhood.
The weather is finally moving in.
Would you eat an edible paper hat?
If hungry enough. - VALZONE#SCREWED
It depends. Did someone wear it first? If so, who? - bentley
And where did they wear it? - John (bird whisperer)
My goodness. It is like the TARDIS in there.
Wait... so FriendFeed will outlive Google Plus (in its current form)?
Don't jinx us. - Stephen Francoeur
hot damn - Meg VMeg