Michael W. May

aka mwm, mwmay, joffi, joffi222 around the web | https://plus.google.com/+MichaelWMay/about for accounts | GVoice: 231.335.7696
thisisthinprivilege: Thin privilege is not being told you have a brain tumor, only to then be asked if... http://tmblr.co/Z5zuay1exsgRH
(Un)Silence - vestibularschwannoma: The incidence of acoustic neuroma is slightly less than 1 in 50,000, or... http://tmblr.co/Z5zuay1exrsLw
I've had to cancel multiple times of friends I hadn't seen in a while. In both cases I ended up just not seeing them. - Heather
"Americans love Mexican food. We consume nachos, tacos, burritos, tortas, enchiladas, tamales and..." http://tmblr.co/Z5zuay1ev7XHz
A German Muslim Asks His Compatriots: 'What Do You Want To Know?' http://fb.me/40PpaHgY5
My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Frank Sinatra (41), All India Radio (24) & Milla (23) #mwmradio http://www.tweekly.fm/twitter...
Options - vestibularschwannoma: The cards on the table are: my hearing in my left ear, loss/damage to my... http://tmblr.co/Z5zuay1elh_xK
"It seems that the #RCMP have left it up to the oil lobbies to determine what is a threat. Climate..." http://tmblr.co/Z5zuay1elQhWy
So, my nephew, who is pre-enlisted in the Marines for after college and is a devout Christian, reblogged this https://www.facebook.com/BrianKo... over on FB. I felt the undeniable need to respond and did so with this:
1. Torture does not work. The DoD, CIA, and FBI themselves admit this. It has been proven time and again by those agencies and others. - Michael W. May
After he replied with a 'doesn't mean I believe all of it' and I asked him to clarify what part he did believe, nephew deleted his repost without further comment. I am hoping it was because he seriously started to think. - Michael W. May
Timeline (the labyrinth) - vestibularschwannoma: The beginning of the Great Parade of Doctor Visits began... http://tmblr.co/Z5zuay1ea2wvM
""Like the Gulf War battlefield, VA is a toxic environment," (Jim) Binns wrote." - Patricia Kime - VA... http://tmblr.co/Z5zuay1eZ-AB6
Signature needed: Ban artificial growth hormone in dairy http://fb.me/3pDoO7DRM
Timeline (the beginning) - vestibularschwannoma: I’ve had ear ringing and dizzy spells most of my adult... http://tmblr.co/Z5zuay1eVwlnV
Photo: Princess Gretta May, adopted today (at the little white home on the corner) http://tmblr.co/Z5zuay1eVALZF
Princess Gretta May, adopted today @ the little white home on the corner https://instagram.com/p...
Awwww <3 - Jennifer Dittrich
Congratulations! - Stephan Planken
TW: Child sexual abuse I usually don’t support... | This is Thin Privilege - TW: Child sexual abuse I... http://tmblr.co/Z5zuay1eS3-Th
Was told I had no evidence of kidney stones. Well, now I have evidence. #ouch
Heh, after writing another message concerning my displeasure at other things, the VA doctor reponded with a consult for a CTurogram. Now awaiting an answer on that second message. - Michael W. May
"To write a complete list of the war correspondents who deserve mention would take millions of words --... http://fb.me/49kgmiju8
Internet comment writers make me weep for the present, let alone the future.
Oops, I did it again *mutter* - Michael W. May
Shoppers At Target Can’t Figure Out How Shopping Baskets Work http://www.buzzfeed.com/lukebai... via @imbadatlife @buzzfeed
I've seen these at Walgreens but each basket had a tall handle and wheels. It's very useful. These people are weird though. Dragging metal around the floor? No. - Zulema ❧ spicy cocoa tart
yeah, a couple of stores near me have those tall ones (that I don't see the use of. I mean, to unload it, you have to bend way over, and if I'm buying enough to need one of those, I'll get a regular buggy), but that's what I thought of first. Except for the clearly drunk ones. - ellbeecee
Want to make history? Join me & @HRC by signing the People's Brief for #MarriageEquality to #SCOTUS. #LoveCantWait http://j.mp/peoplebriefTAF
Woman's open letter to disabled toilet snob sends powerful message http://metro.co.uk/2015... via @MetroUK
I'd say "overzealous disabled stall shamer"... - Spidra Webster
-15° F, but, hy, it feels like -28 :D http://t.co/OZv4V0Eu42
Brrr - Tamara J. B.
High temp on Mars is warmer than that. - Amit Patel
It was -25F when my wife left this morning. I don't recall it being that cold since I was a kid. - Michael W. May
New York Fashion Week Designer steals from Northern Cheyenne/Crow artist Bethany Yellowtail http://fb.me/1Po1kadJV
Yep, you're askin' for it! - AHnix (Anna Haro)
Stopping in the middle of a show to have a heart to heart talk about nothing to do with the show #thingsIloveaboutPixie
I've had the flu for a week. I am sick and tired of the flu. I see what I did there. *weak laugh*
hope you're feeling better now! - Halil
"To date, ISIS has killed four Americans, a horrible tragedy for those people and their families. But..." http://tmblr.co/Z5zuay1ddGw-r