So, my nephew, who is pre-enlisted in the Marines for after college and is a devout Christian, reblogged this over on FB. I felt the undeniable need to respond and did so with this:
1. Torture does not work. The DoD, CIA, and FBI themselves admit this. It has been proven time and again by those agencies and others. - Michael W. May
2. Enemy Combatants, legally known as unlawful combatants, while not subject to the Geneva Convention and treatment of POWs, are entitled to lawful treatment under the Uniform Code of Military Justice. As a fighting force, our code of conduct declares we are better than that. - Michael W. May
3. On 18 April 1988, the United States of America signed the United Nations Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (commonly known as the United Nations Convention against Torture). On 21 October 1994, we radified it. As a nation, before the eyes of the world, we declared we are better than that. - Michael W. May
4. 657 of the 779 detainees imprisoned at Gantonimo since 2002 have been released. In other words, 92% of those we held indefinitely and tortured we had insufficient evidence to formally charge and bring before a military tribunal. Oops. - Michael W. May
5. As of January, 54 more of those 122 currently held are awaiting release, determined to also have insufficient evidence of guilt. We are still holding people against their will whom we cannot even bring formal charges against, people who may have been tortured. - Michael W. May
6. Christian religions, as well as all other prominent religions, teach love, forgiveness, patience, kindness, and hold high truth. Jesus never preached simulated drowning or deprivation of sleep against ones enemies. He washed their feet. He said to love others as you would yourself, to offer the other cheek when struck, and that what we do to others, we do to Him. - Michael W. May
7. We are better than this. - Michael W. May
It obviously really irked me. - Michael W. May
I made the mistake of clicking through to the OP and the comments made me ill. (will I ever learn?) I hope your nephew reads your words and heeds them. We don't need people joining the military who think like this. My heart sinks at the thought of men and women joining the military with these kinds of ideas in their heads. That's not what it should be about at all. - Hookuh Tinypants
Thank you, Michael. Great info... I saw a post like that and avoided it on my timeline. Feeling compelled to post these points that direction. - SAM
Nicely done. - Melly #FForever
Feel free to use liberally. I was adding links to each point, but they are each so easily searched, I figured it was up to detractors to prove them wrong. - Michael W. May
Posted to weird uncle's post on Fb. Thank you, sir. - SAM
After he replied with a 'doesn't mean I believe all of it' and I asked him to clarify what part he did believe, nephew deleted his repost without further comment. I am hoping it was because he seriously started to think. - Michael W. May