I'm slightly disturbed at how strong this baby seems to be getting. I am afraid that labor may end up being less like the pictures in the childbirth books, and more like one of those old Kool-Aid commercials.
Oh yeah! - Josh Haley
That is *exactly* what I'm imagining. - Jeanette Bosman
I'm craving a Taco Bell chili cheese burrito. I don't know why; I haven't eaten at Taco Bell for at least 8 years, and I don't even know if they still make said chili cheese burritos. Perhaps my memory of them isn't even accurate. Nonetheless, I must have one.
Yum. You must be pregnant, I guess. :) - Louis Gray
never have never will - VALZONE#SCREWED
Fwd: Jeanette's working on a new project... (via http://friendfeed.com/tudor...)
My latest ultrasound. Just amazing. This little thing is inside me! - Jeanette Bosman
Molly, technically Jeanette is due before me so she is first. :) - Rochelle
Volume 1 Adventure Collection - http://www.amazon.com/dp...
World of Warcraft: Cataclysm - http://www.amazon.com/dp...
lost :(
My G1. I'm pretty sure it's gone for good... I'm imagining it somewhere, stuffed in a bag filled with trash, all alone, with a dead battery. So sad. Am I crazy for being so upset about this? - Jeanette Bosman
Not crazy at all, Jeanette. I hate losing stuff myself. I thought I've lost Camilla's ipod a couple of times and it feels terrible. And I can't even imagine losing my iPhone (which has a lot of important information). I'd be totally clueless. - April Buchheit
:( - Anne Bouey
Letterhead and Logo Design 9 (Letterhead & LOGO Design (Quality)) (v. 9) - http://www.amazon.com/dp...
I just dropped dinner on the floor, and all over my feet. It was hot, and squishy.
Bummer. - Anne Bouey
You go, girl! :) - April Buchheit
Now that I've changed my FF display name, the marriage is official. Bring on the kerchiefs and support hose - I'm a married lady!
Awesome!!! - Kevin Fox
A FriendFeed name change is this year's Facebook relationship status update. - Mark Trapp
hahaha... Congrats (belatedly or otherwise). And I echo Mark. Yay for FF's display name feature :-) - Pandu ● IT Optimizer
Bergan Turbo Track Cat Toy, Green - http://www.amazon.com/dp...
Mermaid problem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki...
"The Mermaid problem is an observation occasionally mentioned in literature, concerning the difficulty of having sexual intercourse with a mermaid." - Jeanette Bosman
A French idiom, finir en queue de poisson (to end with the tail of a fish), makes reference to this difficulty; it refers to a promising start that ends in disappointment. - Private Sanjeev
Interestingly this was not always an issue. In the past it was not uncommon for a mermaid (actually a medieval siren or melusine) to be portrayed as having a split tail, with a vagina located (or merely implied to be) between the two parts. H. P. Lovecraft's short story "Dagon"[4] and the logo of the American coffee chain Starbucks are examples of this. In the original version of the logo the mermaid is shown spreading her tail apart up to her head. While this has been cropped out, and the drawing in general slightly reworked over the years, her tails are still visible around the edges. - Private Sanjeev
Just had a massage in paradise. Time for a nap... life is hard.
My diamond encrusted shoes are pinching. :P - EricaJoy
DeSuck Mode :(
Seriously! - Paul Buchheit
Bummer it got cancelled. - Anne Bouey
In Napa Valley for two more days. Getting *slightly* bored. Suggestions?
Six Flags Animal Kingdom in Vallejo. Roller coasters and animals! - Kevin Fox
Thanks all! We're checking out many of these options. - Jeanette Bosman
Ugh. Is it possible to sunburn your eyeballs?
Forgot to bring any sunglasses to Bay to Breakers :( - Jeanette Bosman
A Google search seems to indicate that you can damage your eyes (causing temporary blindness and pain) from exposure to the sun, although it's not "sunburn" per se. - Tudor Bosman
In LA for 4 more hours! Where should we have lunch?
We ended up having lunch at the same Mexican restaurant where we had lunch yesterday. (It was THAT good.) - Tudor Bosman
Happy Mothers Day FriendFeed Moms! (including mothers of fuzzy children)
tingling in my throat, neck sore, faint headache, ears slightly stopped up... uh oh
Ugh! Stay away! Stay away! :P - April Buchheit
Ugh, me too. - Tudor Bosman
guess I'll go eat worms.
but we like you... - Anne Bouey
Just NAILED the design for our wedding invitations, and it feels SO GOOD!
I've been fiddling with the design for months and tonight, after working on it for eight hours straight, THERE, in the middle of the screen, was DESIGN NIRVANA! - Jeanette Bosman
It's like that feeling you're supposed to get when you try on THE dress for your wedding, only I didn't get that feeling until just now. I got chills and teared up; I feel like such a dweeb. - Jeanette Bosman
And it is beautiful! So creative! - Anne Bouey
Oh, sweet stationery relief!
I finally made a decision! caterer - check! florist - check! Take THAT to-do list!
In celebration of Tudor's birthday, interesting fact #4: Tudor's favorite color is bright orange. If it were up to him, our entire house would be decorated in orange, we would own an orange car, all of his t-shirts would be orange (the color now dominates around 15% of his entire t-shirt wardrobe) and he would wear an orange tuxedo to our wedding.
He must love the "Groups" box in FriendFeed Beta. - Bret Taylor
@Tudor not sure I agree I've never know a Bulgarian with that name, met a Serb one summer though ;-) - Dobromir Hadzhiev
In celebration of Tudor's birthday, interesting fact #3: While driving, Tudor often unconsciously holds his left arm in what I like to call the "rabbit position."
It looks exactly like it sounds. Elbow resting on the arm rest, forearm vertical, wrist relaxed with hand flopping freely. It's terribly silly and cute. - Jeanette Bosman
In celebration of Tudor's birthday, interesting fact #2: As a baby, Tudor once caught his mother off guard while she was changing his diaper. His mom leaned in to blow a zerbit on his belly, and little Tudor grabbed her hair so she couldn't pull away and proceeded to pee all over her face.
In celebration of Tudor's birthday I will now commence with sharing some embarrassing yet interesting facts about him. Interesting fact #1: Underneath those Google t-shirts, Tudor is furry like a bear.
Umm... roar? - Tudor Bosman
Happy Birthday Tudor!
Happy Birthday, Tudor! - Anne Bouey
Happy Birthday, Tudor ! / 生日快楽! - @Renchin@
Wake UP people! Entertain us night owls! :D
*snore* - Tudor Bosman
booooo! - Jeanette Bosman
It is never appropriate to wear an outfit that features images of cows to a wedding.
At least to a human wedding. - John E. Bredehoft
*sh...udders* - Gabe
Just had an amazing tasting with the very first caterer we've met with. Is it wrong to set up tastings with more caterers, even though we're pretty sure we're going to go with the first guy?
If you haven't told the first one you're going steady, it's okay. - Daniel Dulitz
Bindu: actually, a lot of caterers want to set up in-person consultations before giving you any free food, presumably (partly) to weed out freeloaders. - Tudor Bosman
A day with NO appointments! Hooray!