Glen Campbell

Nerd and liar
Honey-glazed pork belly, eggs, biscuit, sausage gravy @ The Georgian Room at The Fairmont Olympic
WANT! - imabonehead
"Rick Perry, a governor who didn't show much interest in government." --latest issue of Texas Monthly #fb
Condiments @ Dresden Cafe
Sic'em Bears!
I HATE what @Walmart has done to Bob Ross. You should be ashamed of yourself.
I saw that yesterday and wanted to throw something. - ellbeecee
Gah, that's awful. It reminds me of how upset I was at the Fred Astaire dancing with a vacuum cleaner thing from many years ago ( Dead celebrities should not be edited to shill products they never endorsed in real life, period. - Stephen Mack
Stiles Switch BBQ at lunch. Anyone around? #fb
Misjudged that curb @ Starbucks
Just another fucking beautiful day in Northern California
RT @ellotheth: That short span of time between building a thing and realizing it's a bug-ridden pile of horse manure is why I do what I do.
"The clouds are like headlines in a new front-page sky." -Tom Waits #fb
RT @troytoman: More space in San Antonio!
Welcome to my home (actually, check this out and let me know that it works for you):
Will we be watching you eat dinner on the deck? :) - Anne Bouey
Sorry for the downtime; I remounted it using masonry anchors and had to turn it off for a few minutes. - Glen Campbell
All men are mortal: Socrates is a man; therefore, all men are Socrates. #syllogism #fb
OH: "Born too late for tall ships and too soon for starships" #fb
Embroidery Trouble Shooting Page: this web designer is an unsung genius #fb http://sewingandembroideryware...
Is FriendFeed dead yet? Updated for your convenience. #fb
Awww, I was hoping for a countdown widget. - Stephen Mack
Your wish is my command. - Glen Campbell
What time zone is that set to? GMT or Eastern time? - Back to just Joe
My workout music this morning was Charles Ives Symphony No. 2. STOP JUDGING ME. #fb
Photo "Café du Monde" by Glen Campbell (@glenc) #500px
RT @markedwards: Perhaps the most important story of the day. 'Sharknado 3' Gets Full Title, Premiere Date
When you get a coffee mug as a souvenir of your vacation and find yourself still trying to remove the price-tag residue 25 years later. #fb
Prince Harry to quit British army after a decade of service #prince #harry. http://yahoonewsdigest-intl.tu...
When that first cautious sip of coffee scalds all the skin of your tongue.
RT @saramg: has been accepted. Get your typehinting on, people.
Sleepy I am. Bother me you have. #dogsofinstagram #nofilter
'smores pie from Lucy's Fried Chicken in Austin
Trying to figure out supper this evening. What goes with Tabasco Family Reserve?
When does District 9 3/4 reach cinemas? #fb
RT @terryandrob: Terry took Death’s arm and followed him through the doors and on to the black desert under the endless night.
Carriage ride @ Jackson Square