I HATE what @Walmart has done to Bob Ross. You should be ashamed of yourself.
I saw that yesterday and wanted to throw something. - ellbeecee
What? - bentley
Uh-oh. Do I want to know? - Stephen Mack
http://www.ispot.tv/ad... (this is the commercial I saw. Glen may have been referring to something else). - ellbeecee
Boo! Hiss! - bentley
No, that was it. Makes me livid. - Glen Campbell
Yeah, that made me sad in the pants when I saw it. Like super sad in the pants. Like, I almost went pantsless in public as a result. - Hookuh Tinypants
Gah, that's awful. It reminds me of how upset I was at the Fred Astaire dancing with a vacuum cleaner thing from many years ago (https://www.youtube.com/watch...). Dead celebrities should not be edited to shill products they never endorsed in real life, period. - Stephen Mack