My new favorite car is the BMW 10 series!
Kentucky lawmakers shocked to find evolution in biology tests -
"After dictating that schools in the state include tests based on national standards, the state lawmakers were shocked to find that evolution made a prominent appearance on the science tests." - Gabe
Finally, No Child Left Behind gets its first victory! - Gabe
Ryan Begins Attacking Romney's Record As Massachusetts Governor -
“Mitt Romney doesn’t want you to know the disturbing truth about his record as governor,” Ryan said at the Iowa State Fair yesterday, immediately displaying the sort of passionate conservatism that led to his selection by the Romney campaign. "But the facts are clear. Gov. Romney embraced the legalization of same-sex marriage, he imposed anti-business carbon-emission limits, and he championed efforts to limit Second Amendment rights. This isn’t the record of strong family values and small government ideals that our country needs to get back on the road to prosperity—this is a record of ruin.” - Gabe
The "butter zone" is pretty good, but the "butter and maple syrup zone" is just awesome!
I keep seeing ads where Romney talks about his record of balancing the budget as governor of MA. I think he should campaign on the rest of his accomplishments: "While I was governor, Massachusetts got universal healthcare and same-sex marriage!"
Republicans would vote for him because he's not Obama, while Democrats would vote for him because he supports gay marriage and universal healthcare. How could he lose? - Gabe
And according to, "Under Massachusetts law, the budget - or General Appropriations Act - must be balanced." So balancing the budget is more a requirement of law than a real accomplishment. Why campaign on something so lame when you have something as awesome as "My state became the first to have both same-sex marriage AND universal healthcare"? - Gabe
Hazel was a fireman, putting out a fire on the car. When she was done, she declared that the car was dirty and had to be cleaned. Who was I to say no? - Gabe
Not what you might think it was at first... - Gabe
"Love is wonderful. Marriage is grand. Divorce is twenty grand, but worth it."
"Support payments are ongoing...." - Gabe
Why is ping pong an Olympic sport?
I mean, at that point, why not darts or bowling? - Gabe
Why is the Olympic gymnastic team with females on it called the "Women's Team"? Shouldn't it be called the "Girls' Team", seeing as how the team members are generally not women?
I've always wondered whether my little boy loves his favorite blanket because it's baby blue or simply because of the texture. Well, now I have a chance to find out...
I frequently see people with stickers on their cars that say "26.2" and "13.1". Are those people racist?
Hazel wanted me to take a picture before she ate the cherry tomato. Also, she wanted to put on boots and a rain coat so she could play in the rain. - Gabe
I should invent a product called "Fauxfu", for the tofu-intolerant. It will be like tofu, only made of chicken.
On Elmo's World, there is a taxi with a muppet driver. This taxi driver has sunglasses, a black jacket, and a mohawk.
After watching it again, I noticed that they also play Taxi Driver-like music for the few seconds he's on-screen. - Gabe
I want to LIKE this 20 times - Becca
Chess and yoga -- but not at the same time. - Gabe
Who would have thought that my first political contribution ever would be to Mitt Romney?
You mailed him pennies in the prepaid envelope. I'd hardly call that contributing... - Maggie
I was just typing something along those same lines, Maggie - COMPLICATED MR. NOODLE