Why You Should Deep Fry a Frozen Turkey - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
Cuyahoga County precinct map shows areas where Obama beat Romney unanimously - http://www.cleveland.com/datacen...
If you're glad Obama won the election, thank the Cleveland area: "The unofficial tally shows that Obama won Cuyahoga County by 236,478 votes. In Ohio's other 87 counties combined, Romney won by 129,219 votes. In other words, without Cuyahoga County, Romney was the winner in Ohio." - Gabe
I just discovered that in my neighborhood, a boy named Blaise lives within a block of a boy named Pascal. And they were born within days of each other!
What are the odds the parents didn't discuss it beforehand? - Gabe
Happy Birthday, Paul!
Are they still called 'knuckles' if they're on toes?
Obama's Reelection Will Ensure Complete U.S. Economic Collapse - Rachel Alexander - http://townhall.com/columni...
"There are numerous signs indicating that the country is headed for economic Armageddon under Obama." - Gabe
Apparently townhall.com is some sort of well-disguised Onion-like satire site! - Gabe
What is a "rabble", and how does one "rouse" such a thing?
Chooo-San art: Japanese makeup artist makes models burst at the seams with zips, buttons, power plugs and laces painted on their skin - http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news...
Apparently Word with Friends has become so popular, they decided to make a board game based on it!
I thought this was a joke and that you were talking about Scrabble... but nope - Becca
Time-lapse video: Space shuttle Endeavour’s trek across L.A. - http://framework.latimes.com/2012...
This is TEH AW3S0M3!!!111 - Gabe
God gave us NAND gates; all the rest was created by Man.
"Who knew that 'douche' was a verb?"
Ingenuity Fest Cleveland 2012 - Gabe
I just saw a woman on TV say she would drink 8 pints of vodka before 3pm. That's like 80 shots! Is that even possible?
85. And that's a full gallon. It's possible, but over what period is she doing this. If she's starting at noon she's crazy, if she starts at like 6AM or something, maybe she'll be alright, but still dumb. - OCoG of FF, Jimminy
I can't say I kept it down much longer. I usually was the one to end the game. And I'd mix water into the rotation. Yeah, it wasn't the brightest thing to do. - OCoG of FF, Jimminy
RNC 2012 - The Road to Jeb Bush 2016 - The Best F#@king News Team Ever Audits America - http://www.thedailyshow.com/watch...
Romney Always Be Closing - Gabe
Paul Ryan’s speech in 3 words | Fox News - http://www.foxnews.com/opinion...
Paul Ryan's speech was so full of lies that even *Fox News* called him "Deceiving" and "Distracting"! - Gabe
My new favorite car is the BMW 10 series!