Daily Kos: State of the Nation - http://dailykos.com/
(just for the picture) - ⓞnor
Now where are we?
Are you pulling a D.B. Cooper out of Torque's airplane? - Larry Hosken
Yeah, sadly we couldn't find a vantage point on the actual quarry. And I wasn't about to go to Long Beach to continue the Torque Re-creation Tour... - ⓞnor
Where are we?
How come your camera is wrapped in a layer of blue saran wrap? - j1m
It lets me disguise a cloudy day like today as if it were nice and sunny. - ⓞnor
Oh invisible dagger! This is thy sheath! - Jeanette Bosman
My English major heart runneth over. - Steve C, Team Marina
even C (usually not much for the lol) had a giggle at this one. and yes, Jeannette FTW! - Elaine is trying to write
Practical aspects of milk collection in the rat - http://la.rsmjournals.com/cgi...
Courtesy Melinda. Includes pics! - ⓞnor
Oh I'm sure it's true, it's just that I demand only the latest information. - j1m
TEEEEENY Caturday paw danglage - http://mfrost.typepad.com/cute_ov...
awwwwwwwww..thats such a tiny kitten !! - Peter Dawson
Make that SIR PENGUIN - http://mfrost.typepad.com/cute_ov...
For Larry G.: "A penguin who was previously made a Colonel-in-Chief of the Norwegian Army has been knighted at Edinburgh Zoo. Penguin Nils Olav has been an honorary member and mascot of the Norwegian King's Guard since 1972." - ⓞnor
خيلي نازه :) - mhmazidi
Awesome. - Larry Greenfield
Bicycle helmet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki...
I'd always assumed that bike helmets were a safety no-brainer (so to speak) like seat belts, but according to this (extensively footnoted) wikipedia article, the evidence in their favor is sketchy at best. It's probably still a good idea to wear one, but... - ⓞnor
@Frederic, that the US for you. @Robert, "that's why I let my kids use chainsaws..." - j1m
It Takes Crude to Contango - TheStreet.com - http://www.thestreet.com/options...
I want a visualization like that for the last year, or better yet the last 5 years. This particular chart was from the switch from backwardation to contango in early 2005. This article in general, from three years ago, is painting a somewhat complicated picture of institutional investors being front-run by opportunistic traders. - ⓞnor
My version, 1986-present: http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub.... I can't draw any conclusions from it. I can't help but think that guy on TheStreet is spinning a fairy tale out of random data. - ⓞnor
Coded Aperture Imaging / Concept - http://astrophysics.gsfc.nasa.gov/cai...
The Friend Feed Phenomenon - http://www.news3online.com/index...
hedgepiglets++ - j1m
awwwww - niniane
heeeeeeeeeee! - edythe
Google Ads You Have Clicked On - http://www.google.com/history...
People often say "I wonder who clicks on search ads, because I sure don't". Turns out search history records this stuff (if you have it turned on). I've clicked on 9 ads this year, and bought products from two of them: a junk hauling company, and a balsa wood supply house. You? - ⓞnor
I don't have search history enabled. I just enabled it, installed the toolbar, thought about the privacy implications, shuddered, and uninstalled it. When Viacom wants to know what I read, they'll have to sue my ISP and t-mobile. :-) As for ads, I honestly don't click on them. :-) - Joanmarie
"This table is made through rapid prototyping (3D printing) of branches that become increasingly more dense at the top to form a planar surface." How would you clean this? Seems like crumbs would tend to get stuck in the surface. - ⓞnor
Varun, Kevin, that reminds me of the old philosophical problem: in a race, every person has to cross half the distance before they can reach the end, and then half of that next a distance, and then half again and again.... so how do they ever reach the end? - Nicķ
"These cookies, made from contrasting colors of butter cookie dough, are a tasty realization of the Sierpinski carpet, producing lovely, edible fractals. As with our earlier project involving clay, you can make these by using a simple iterative algorithmic process of stretching out the dough and folding it over onto itself in a specific pattern." - ⓞnor
Here is a good song to listen to while looking at those pictures :) http://www.jonathancoulton.com/songdet... - Frederic
Fin Actuated Autonomous Underwater Vehicle - http://vger.aa.washington.edu/fish_pr...
via Slashdot (sorry) but this is the original source. The fishies are surprisingly cute in a steampunky sort of way. Check out the awesome plugboard-and-dip-chips electronics. - ⓞnor
Ramachandran presentation on synesthesia - http://www.nyas.org/ebriefr...
"But then when we show it to a synesthe, he says, oh, I see a red triangle against a green background, and he saw it virtually immediately, in other words he saw it in a matter of two or three seconds instead of taking twenty or thirty seconds... so if he's crazy, how come he's better at it than we are? Okay, so this shows that in fact he's not confabulating, he's not making it up, he's literally seeing those things." - ⓞnor
why don't you think there are universal principles of art? - j1m
Mystery Spectrogram for April 2008 - http://home.cc.umanitoba.ca/~robh...
"This is my voice (west coast American English with hints of mid-west and Canadian here and there). This is a semantically plausible (not to say 'predictable'), declarative sentence containing no proper names." - ⓞnor
I made it up, but I really wanted to believe. - j1m
Gin, Television, and Social Surplus - http://www.shirky.com/herecom...
"Desperate Housewives essentially functioned as a kind of cognitive heat sink, dissipating thinking that might otherwise have built up and caused society to overheat." :-) - j1m
Oops, sorry! Yes, the "original" FF -- fast-forward. - Erik Dafforn
Bacon Flavored Noncorporeal Chew Toy - http://www.amazon.com/dp...
Wait, what? Did you create this? - Jim Norris
Well, a "noncorporeal chew toy" is a nonsense concept, and the notion of adding bacon flavoring to such a thing is ridiculous. The picture is obviously drawn in 3 seconds with Paintbrush. The $789.45 price is insane. It's some kind of strange fake entry, and I found it funny. But also, bacon is really tasty, have you tried it? - ⓞnor
Invisible Hand Networks, Inc. - Market Data - http://www.invisiblehand.net/index...
Daily average spot bandwidth price at a NYC exchange, 2002 - 2008, down from ~$200 in 2002 to ~$20 (per Mbps-month) in 2008. For comparison, telegeography data shows a substantial (but lesser) drop in prices for transoceanic routes. - ⓞnor
Wow, fantastic, thanks for the update. - ⓞnor
Where are they now? - Bret Taylor and Jim Norris (8) - FORTUNE - http://money.cnn.com/galleri...
Enterprise security software, eh. - ⓞnor
Ahhh, reporters. I was explaining to her what Reactivity did, and somehow that became what Jim and I were building. Oh, well... Just an innocent mistake -- at least it did not say FF was security software. - Bret Taylor
Fixed! I thought FF is security software. - YiWyn
Thanks for the quick response! - Bret Taylor
Test: 2007-11-01T00:00:01Z - http://friendfeed.com/egnor
Radium Bromatum 1M - http://www.amazon.com/dp...
Bacon Tape - Decorative packing tape with bacon Fishboy - http://www.amazon.com/dp...
Motorized 25 Lb. Sausage Stuffer - http://www.amazon.com/dp...
Ritz Power Shift MS-001 --- 2006 Best Car Goods Of The Year Awards in Environment Protection and Fuel Conservation Field. It increases engine power & fuel efficiency while reducing car emissions. Just plug it in a lighter socket of a car. That's the complete installation. The World First Eco-friendly Power-up Product. The tiny does a big job. - http://www.amazon.com/dp...
Test: 2007-10-01T20:00:01Z - http://friendfeed.com/egnor