John (bird whisperer)

Horrible to think about yet perfectly descriptive.
The Faucet as Power Switch: Water’s Hidden Energy Consumption -
Fascinating full article. - Stephen Mack
It's interesting to see both the hidden energy costs and also how much one town can differ from another depending on the water source. - John (bird whisperer)
The Mad Cardinal Attacks -
That first one just cracks me up. Some of my first pictures on Flickr are of a junco at my parents house several years ago who used to just really, really hate my car mirrors. - Jennifer Dittrich
In addition to Oesterle, eight other high-profile CEOs published an open letter earlier this week, criticizing Governor Pence and demanding he revise the new statute. The letter touts a general corporate commitment to equal rights, but it fails to mention that the majority of CEOs who signed the missive lead companies whose employees and corporate... -
I've wondered how the corporations match up. Somewhat akin to the companies supporting ALEC making public declarations of supporting... pretty much everything that group was fighting against. Everyone is so focused on the blatantly discriminatory pizza lady, while companies complaining about the law directly or indirectly helped fund those who wrote the legislation. - Jennifer Dittrich
And, of course, that's the purpose of the wedge issues - to get people to ignore several pieces of policy they wouldn't agree with because THINK OF THE CHILDREN. - Jennifer Dittrich
RT @mycentraljersey: .@NJ_Forestry launches seasonal program to reduce risk of wildfires @RutgersNJAES
10,000 Birds | Kamikaze Pigeons and a War to Extinction ... killing raptors to protect racing pigeons
Comparing the songs of Willet subspecies « Sibley Guides
RT @justin_fb_peter: How to hear and see American Woodcocks: #birding #iamanaturalist (photo: Jean Iron)
The steep costs of living so far apart from each other
Blue-chinned Sapphire Hummingbird (Chlorestes notatus) in flight, Yerette, Home of the Hummingbird, Trinidad. -
Shrub Attracts Pollinators By Glittering Under the Full Moon - Phenomena: Not Exactly Rocket Science
Disappointed when I see a headline about "night owls" that isn't about actual owls.
Crocuses finally started blooming today
RT @leafwarbler: Jerry Brown orders mandatory water reductions amid California drought
So they're restricting almonds and beef? - Amit Patel
Yeah, that seems to be a problem with Brown's approach. Plus it's not clear how much it addresses agricultural usage. - John (bird whisperer)
RT @greenroofsuk: Small #wetlands critical to overall #ecosystem functions #biodiversity
RT @dailyrecord: Sen. Bob Menendez charged with corruption
I was so confused for a second, because - Jennifer Dittrich
Though that clock is both awful, and amazing. - Jennifer Dittrich
Different Bob. :-) - John (bird whisperer)
Bobwhites reintroduced to a cranberry farm in Chatsworth, New Jersey
The proud owner of a feather. -
Some responses to the Franzen climate essay from earlier in the week cc @familiarwldrnss
Wow, he's an idiot. - Heather
I thought his broad point about climate change distracting from the biodiversity crisis was reasonable. I've seen too much willingness to replace grasslands with corn for biofuels or fry birds at a concentrating solar plant or chop up hawks at a wind farm. Unfortunately that point is undermined by a bunch of annoying Franzenisms. - John (bird whisperer)
RT @myrmecos: .@WorldPhotoOrg shortlists a staged, abusive photo for a competition and is rightly skewered in the comments.
Red-winged Blackbirds showing off « Sibley Guides