John (bird whisperer)

Horrible to think about yet perfectly descriptive.
In New York Waters, It's Time for the Spring Peeper's Love Song
Our frogs are noisy, but not quite that loud. I do like to sit outside and listen when it isn't too cold. - Jennifer Dittrich
RT @jenniferfrazer: My latest @sciamblogs: The Amazing Mimcry of the Mummy Berry Fungus. 1 fungus. 2 amazing acts.
Darwin's finches highlight the unity of all life
Black vultures (the Eurasian kind) return to southern Portugal
IMG_6129. Purple Swamphen | Porphyrio porphyrio -
RT @edyong209: Maybe think twice before sharing those photos of dancing frogs or other "cute" viral images
RT @neobirds: Bird of the Day! Long-billed Gnatwren, or Soterillo Picudo (Ramphocaenus melanurus) by Juan José Arango:
RT @rosemarymosco: New comic! @thenib asked me to draw a tweet I made about climate change based on some data from NOAA.
New arrivals on my patch this morning: Palm Warbler and Eastern Phoebe. GC Kinglet also showed up after being missing for a while.
this sounds like an episode of a spy/action/thriller miniseries I want to watch. Where was GC Kinglet? Is it the same one, or an imposter sent to sabotage the mission? Who are Warbler and Phoebe? Can they be trusted? - t-ra: sentimental gorgon
Haha. :-D - John (bird whisperer)
N.J.'s black Civil War soldiers took Confederate capital 150 years ago today
RT @bugpod: 87. Ellychnia corrusca (winter #firefly) #njwildlife #coleoptera taken on 02Apr2015
Golden-fronted Woodpecker IMG_4303edtsg -
RT @birdinginnj: Neotropic and Double-crested Cormorants - cool comparison shots today of the returning Neotropic Cormorant.
RT @seabrookeleckie: Just came across a moth in the genus Hyppa with the Latin species name of potamus. Who says scientists don't have a sense of humour?
:D - Anne Bouey
Colibrí Ermitaño Verde - Green Hermit - (Phaethornis guy) -
Cassowary death toll from cars and dogs prompts calls for urgent protection
Even though I am terrified of cassowaries, this makes me sad :o( - Melly #FForever
Oil dispersant used in Gulf Oil Spill causes lung and gill injuries to humans and aquatic animals
For a long time, I've put together my Friday blog posts with material I've aggregated here during the week.
Starting next week, I'll need to find another method. - John (bird whisperer)
Frenf instead? - Stephen Mack
That's one option. I guess Twitter would be the other one. - John (bird whisperer)
Green Winged Teal Seedskadee NWR -
From Wikipedia Picture Of The Day; March 17, 2015: A caterpillar of a Gypsy Moth (Lymantria dispar dispar). First described by Carl Linnaeus in 1758, the gypsy moth is found throughout Eurasia, where it is considered a pest. The larvae emerge from egg masses in the spring, and then are dispersed by the wind and begin feeding on leaves. They are... -
they eat all the leaves, :o - chaz2b
People should realize we are in a new era. The idea of your nice little green lawn getting watered every day, those days are past. -
Sheesh, I didn't realize this hadn't been implemented statewide until just now. AFAICR the City of L.A. has had a 3-days-a-week watering schedule since 2009 (although, to be fair, enforcement has probably been minimal.) - Victor Ganata
Study shows the limitations of what we know about wind energy & bird mortality
RT @drgrist: My new post: Jonathan Franzen is confused about climate change, but then, lots of people are
Western governors praise their sage grouse conservation efforts
The Faucet as Power Switch: Water’s Hidden Energy Consumption -
Fascinating full article. - Stephen Mack
It's interesting to see both the hidden energy costs and also how much one town can differ from another depending on the water source. - John (bird whisperer)
The Mad Cardinal Attacks -
That first one just cracks me up. Some of my first pictures on Flickr are of a junco at my parents house several years ago who used to just really, really hate my car mirrors. - Jennifer Dittrich