In addition to Oesterle, eight other high-profile CEOs published an open letter earlier this week, criticizing Governor Pence and demanding he revise the new statute. The letter touts a general corporate commitment to equal rights, but it fails to mention that the majority of CEOs who signed the missive lead companies whose employees and corporate... -
I've wondered how the corporations match up. Somewhat akin to the companies supporting ALEC making public declarations of supporting... pretty much everything that group was fighting against. Everyone is so focused on the blatantly discriminatory pizza lady, while companies complaining about the law directly or indirectly helped fund those who wrote the legislation. - Jennifer Dittrich
I'd like to see more corporations held to account on this. If you don't like what these politicians are doing, why pay to put them in office? - John (bird whisperer)
It also feels a bit like a razzle dazzle with the over-the-top person making the news (and, being an individual, far easier to sympathize with) rather than the faceless corporation that poured money into an election to get better tax loopholes. - Jennifer Dittrich
" If you don't like what these politicians are doing, " <-- well, there's your answer, then. The socially conservative stuff is the unpleasant side effect of the economically conservative stuff they do want. - Andrew C (✔)
Yeah, but given that the social conservative stuff mostly goes hand-in-hand with the economic conservative stuff, you don't get to have one without the other. - John (bird whisperer)
And, of course, that's the purpose of the wedge issues - to get people to ignore several pieces of policy they wouldn't agree with because THINK OF THE CHILDREN. - Jennifer Dittrich