RT @leafwarbler: Jerry Brown orders mandatory water reductions amid California drought http://sacb.ee/2QtR
So they're restricting almonds and beef? - Amit Patel
It doesn't sound that way. - John (bird whisperer)
If it's 2012 and you believe there's going to be 20% reduction required across the board in the future, the best thing to do is to increase your water usage, so that you can go back to regular usage and say you decreased it 20%. The worst thing you can do is to reduce usage back then, because now they'll say you aren't cutting back enough. - Amit Patel
That's what I really hate about percentage reductions instead of something that looks at people historical use. Those who were aware and started conserving years ago get punished. - Spidra Webster
Yeah, that seems to be a problem with Brown's approach. Plus it's not clear how much it addresses agricultural usage. - John (bird whisperer)