Passionate about (X)HTML, CSS, PHP and MySQL. I am a wannabe evangelist for these technologies. I also love spending time with my family and listening to music.
Thanks to @radiofreegeorgy I am now rocking out to #SkidRow. It's been a while, old friend.
This is a very strange feeling. Thinking back, I know I've seen a lot of social networks/forums shuttered during my time on the Internet, but I can't remember a single other time that one has been pulled out from under me while I'm still active on it.
I will miss all of you terribly, and, while I know that other networks (such as will never be able to fully reproduce what we've had here, I do hope that we'll at least be able to keep a small piece of our community going outside of FF. - COMPLICATED MR. NOODLE
RT @cliffyballgame: It is beyond me how some people STILL don't understand that an internet search should be a first go-to when looking for info.
Have you heard the news? @eduiconf is accepting proposals, & there are some big changes. #highered #web4lib #museum
Seriously, all of you people involved in libraries, museums, higher ed and web design/development should check out this conference. It's one of my favorites. - COMPLICATED MR. NOODLE
RT @ipstenu: Let's stop with the bullying of people who may not actually know about the wordpress TLD thing. Many GOOD people have made that mistake.
RT @staypuft: Who cares about your Apple Watch review. Here's my Marshmallow Watch review: It's Awesome.
RT @cyndef: RT @Cms2Cms: Meet @ChrisWiegman sharing his thoughts about cooperating with #WordPress.
RT @lacydev: Going to #heweb15? Come hear @cgrymala & I talk about managing ginormous Wordpress instances 👮 Registration is open:
Why are so many History Channel/H2 shows on @Netflix, but I can't find any @bradmeltzer shows there? :(
#TurboTax is great for a lot of things; trying to amend a return you didn't initially prepare in TurboTax is not one of those things.
yeah, i discovered this also and ended up doing them by hand. - holly #ravingfangirl
Yup. Just finished doing the state & federal amendments for the ex, as she received a W-2 in March from a job that she left in December 2013 (they must have paid her once in Jan 2014). Thankfully, I amended mine last year, so I had a little bit of a reference to make sure I was doing things correctly. It was a pain, but not nearly as painful as trying to figure out how to do it through TurboTax. - COMPLICATED MR. NOODLE
RT @usatoday: Rolling Stone apologizes, officially retracts its discredited story on alleged rape at University of Virginia.
Okie dokie. Off to church a little early so I can hopefully grab a parking spot & a seat. Happy #Easter to those that celebrate. #HeIsRisen
It's interesting. As I think about all of the kids that will gorge themselves on candy today, I'm grateful that my daughter seems to have had a good grasp on moderation for most of her life. If I hadn't thrown it away, we'd still have Halloween candy lying around the house.
She'll get a lot of candy today during her Easter Egg hunt, but won't eat but a small fraction of it. - COMPLICATED MR. NOODLE
I can't help but feel that part of this is the fact that I don't keep her from these kinds of things on a regular basis. We usually have candy around the house, but we rarely eat more than a small serving of it. She has her own tablet, but she spends so little time glued to it that, more often than not, she doesn't even know where it is. I can't help but feel that the parents that are constantly trying to keep their kids away from the "evils" of society are actually imbuing in their children a sense that they have to overdo it whenever they have the opportunity. - COMPLICATED MR. NOODLE
RT @lex_looper: The holocaust was legal, slavery was legal, segregation was legal. If you use the state as a metric for ethics you'll end up disappointed.
Okay, I totally get how the top row is related to Jesus Christ Superstar, but, most of that bottom row? >.> @netflix
Twilight Zone is supernatural (?). Grease is a musical (makes as much sense as having Phantom of the Opera and Rent on the list). Prince of Egypt takes place in Egypt. (I don't know about Heroes.) And Leverage is about followers (?). - bentley
Well, Phantom of the Opera is Andrew Lloyd Weber (Jesus Christ Superstar is also Andrew Lloyd Weber), so it makes sense. Rent makes a little less sense (probably on the level with Grease). Leverage, Twilight Zone and Heroes are what really threw me for a loop, though. - COMPLICATED MR. NOODLE
Just finished watching #fury. Very intense, but really well done.
Enrolling the whole fam-damily in the free #anthembreach identity protection; Things 1 & 2 have already received fraudulent credit denials
No idea how I didn't realize this until I watched "I Know That Voice". The Kurgan is Mr. Krabs.…
"You can watch... your favorite member of congress score the winning goal..." That implies that I actually like anyone in congress.
RT @richrogershds: "Before you switch a developer from one task to another, pretend that it's a 2-hour drive to the other task, plus 2-hours back." - @coates
RT @ha3rvey: Miracle Whip is the devil's condiment of choice.
RT @mattmay: @cgrymala Make sure you're never good enough to headline, so you can make everybody else's posters awesome.
I think I'm going to start a band and call it "is my new band name"
RT @theatlantic: Should mom-and-pop stores that choose to forgo gay weddings be destroyed?
RT @dimensionmedia: Some WordPress plugins are just cool: like this one that allows you to write sheet music.
Thanks for pointing that out! I'll just store this link here on FriedFeed so I can refer back to it forever. - Brian Johns
RT @jenn2d2: 9th Circuit rules Netflix isn’t subject to disability law
I was a bit surprised, since it went the other direction in that other case. They've implemented subtitles (finally) and other large providers have as well, but it could be so much better than it is. Of course, given how some television providers have "complied," it could also be far worse. - Jennifer Dittrich
Yeah, I use captions all of the time (picked up the habit when I was in college), and it frustrates me to no end when the captions are screwy or don't work (it's almost worse when they're screwy than it is when they're non-existent). I can't imagine how frustrating it must be for those that don't have the option of simply turning the volume up. I'm glad the case isn't intended to set a precedent, but it's still quite a blow for accessibility. - COMPLICATED MR. NOODLE
RT @phette23: CSS background: when shorthand properties go wrong.
RT @wusa9: Creator of Pillsbury Doughboy has died at age 89. RIP Rudolph R. Perz
RT @cjwerleman: Congressional Republicans won't respond to Iran deal until they consult with Netanyahu. Think about that for a moment...
I wish @Netflix would warn you somehow when they're getting ready to pull a series you're in the middle of watching. #firstworldproblems
Was halfway through season 3 of Batman: The Brave & The Bold (was just watching it 2 or 3 nights ago), and now it seems to have disappeared from Netflix. :( - COMPLICATED MR. NOODLE
Sweet. New full-length album from #TheProdigy appears to have dropped this week.
Jillette on Indiana law: You're not being forced to be gay - CNN Video