RT @jenn2d2: 9th Circuit rules Netflix isn’t subject to disability law http://ars.to/1FmT7N7
I was a bit surprised, since it went the other direction in that other case. They've implemented subtitles (finally) and other large providers have as well, but it could be so much better than it is. Of course, given how some television providers have "complied," it could also be far worse. - Jennifer Dittrich
Yeah, I use captions all of the time (picked up the habit when I was in college), and it frustrates me to no end when the captions are screwy or don't work (it's almost worse when they're screwy than it is when they're non-existent). I can't imagine how frustrating it must be for those that don't have the option of simply turning the volume up. I'm glad the case isn't intended to set a precedent, but it's still quite a blow for accessibility. - COMPLICATED MR. NOODLE