Passionate about (X)HTML, CSS, PHP and MySQL. I am a wannabe evangelist for these technologies. I also love spending time with my family and listening to music.
Sweet. New full-length album from #TheProdigy appears to have dropped this week.
Jillette on Indiana law: You're not being forced to be gay - CNN Video
RT @thenextweb: HBO is headed to @Sling TV for $15/month, just in time for the ‘Game of Thrones’ premiere
RT @thenextweb: 72% off Power Vault 18000mAh portable battery pack with international shipping
RT @vcunews: .@VCULibraries collections added to @Flickr Commons, greatly expanding public access #RVA
RT @robin2go: Kudos to @LoriPA and @UofR for once again having the best sense of humor in #highered.
"Students lobby for year-round snow on campus" - COMPLICATED MR. NOODLE
I'm not sure I would really want an aggressive glass or mirror. Sounds dangerous. #NYC #latergram
RAAAR - Amit Patel
Maybe they're aggressive about getting customers (as in, they sneak around a night, smash your storefront window, and then mysteriously show up right when you discover the problem). - Stephen Francoeur
RT @brettschulte: Hey @RollingStones - calling on you to cancel July 4th show in Indiana, state of hate! #BoycottIndiana RETWEET PLEASE
Made it home safely It was legitimately snowing for about 60 miles through PA, though. That sucked.
That's a neat trick. Hotel gives us coupon for free breakfast, because they screwed up our room, then charges us for that food on our bill
Last time my breakfast was supposed to be included but was added to the total anyway. Fuckers. - Stephan Planken
More like "We take it off if you notice and call us on it." - Ell Bee, See?
Thing 1 will be performing as part of the Masterworks Festival Chorus after intermission. So proud…
Excited to see Thing 1 perform at Carnegie Hall tonight @ Carnegie Hall (Stern Auditorium/Perelman…
RT @walkingdead_amc: In four hours, I’ll be watching the #TWDFinale. RETWEET if you’re ready for the #TWDFinaleTonight. #sweeps
Dude on #NYC street just accused me of being racist because I didn't want him to autograph some cd he'd just handed me.
Having lunch at Johnny Rockets. Never eaten here before, but it looks cool @ Johnny Rockets
The chocolate shake! - Gabrielle
RT @rogerjohansson: Killing zoom with <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1"> is worse than tables for layout.
What is it with people always using speaker phone? All 3 of my kids do this and it drives me bonkers #getoffmylawn
What are people using for small clients that need secure registration forms?
Have a potential client that runs a summer camp, and needs a secure online registration form for the various camps. I'm not sure if something like EventBrite would work for them, or if there's a better system for that sort of thing. They're a small enough client that the idea of trying to store & transmit this data on their server is going to be out of the question; we'll need an external service for it. - COMPLICATED MR. NOODLE
RT @dreamhost: Support #WomenInTech! Courtesy of @Dilbert_Daily #RubyOnRails
Is there a way to apply box-shadow to just left/right, not let it overflow top/bottom in #CSS3? Basically looking to feather edges of a box.
Was able to accomplish this by using the :before & :after pseudo-elements & positioning them absolutely, then applying a gradient background to each. - COMPLICATED MR. NOODLE
Phone just scared the bejeezus out of me, informing me of an Amber Alert 5.5 hours away from here.
Granted, I'm in WV and the Amber Alert is for Charleston, WV (our state capital), but that's an hour further from me than New York City is. - COMPLICATED MR. NOODLE
The buzzing pattern for Amber Alerts is particularly distressing on my phone. It literally buzzes for about 10-15 seconds straight, then starts a repetitive 1-2 second buzzing for another few cycles. I thought my phone was getting ready to explode. - COMPLICATED MR. NOODLE
Friend of mine on the other side of the state said his came as an alert that "lasts until 1:15am like it's a flood warning" - COMPLICATED MR. NOODLE
I had no idea Carson from #DowntonAbbey was in so many silly kid movies.
Saw him in 102 Dalmatians the other day, and now I'm seeing him in The LIttlest Vampire (I tend to watch Discovery Family in the mornings, and then, when I turn the TV on at night, it's still on that channel). - COMPLICATED MR. NOODLE
He's in Ella Enchanted as well. I first saw him in the original "Singing Detective" TV series where he did a fantastic job playing the writer's father in flashbacks. He does plenty of serious costume drama stuff (he was in Cranford as well). - Spidra Webster
I've heard good things about Ella Enchanted, but have never checked it out. - COMPLICATED MR. NOODLE
RT @cheezburger: Downton Abbey will officially end after upcoming 6th season, confirms show creator.
Sliced my finger open while making dinner. Still bleeding about an hour later. I'm not liking this.
hope your okay, :( - chaz2b
I hope so, too. I'm sure I will be. Stupid thing is, I was simply trying to pry frozen hamburgers apart with a plain old, regular table knife. It's not like I was using a sharp implement or anything. I've moved on from keeping paper towels wrapped around it to taping some gauze around it. - COMPLICATED MR. NOODLE
RT @highedweb: You do great work. You have lots to share. Now tell the (#heweb15) world: submit your presentation proposal!
RT @ndwebteam: Only one week left to apply! Now hiring: Director of Web Communications for Notre Dame Marketing Communications
NTS: Your remote Git server doesn't report changes if you don't commit them.
RT @bodhielfman: Freedom of Speech is a crucial foundation to this great country. But I feel Responsibility of Speech is the base of Humanity.
Does anyone even still know who Boy George is? Way to stay current and relevant, #AmericanIdol
I know I probably shouldn't have, but I commented on a political post on Facebook. I suspect the the flame war will begin now.
The OP was something about it being "now official" that Obama traded a deserter for 5 Taliban generals. I commented "thank goodness we don't live in a country where Americans are innocent until proven guilty" (which is meant to be two-pointed - one, that an American is an American, no matter what crimes they're accused of, and, two, that he's been accused, not convicted). Of course, we should have just let them execute him, since he may or may not have done something wrong. - COMPLICATED MR. NOODLE
RT @jshbz: Coding Best Practices: Preventing XSS in JavaScript via @WordPressVIP