
Fwd: Beach Retreat in Australia Set Among Native Eucalypti - http://freshome.com/2011... (via http://friendfeed.com/creativ...)
Here is a contemporary retreat that is sure to stir up your holiday plans. Pretty Beach House is located in Australia, just north of Sydney, in a beautiful natural environment, amongst the trees at the edge of a delightful beach. Consisting of a main home and three surrounding pavilions, each hosting one bedroom, the all-inclusive retreat is a place that inspires complete relaxation. - Jackie
这个同学今天几乎把自己饿死了,还差点走折了腿,去凑热闹还是要穿运动鞋带上干粮比较好。 - Aang
试运行的票,好像是免费券。 - Aang
萧默:CCTV总部与臀部的“异质同构”! 认住这个人 ; Rem Koolhaas!! - http://www.chinaacsc.com/attenti...
哦 没看到刚好发过了。。。 - 陈浩小贤
Archinect : Features : ShowCase: RED+HOUSING: Architecture on the Edge of Survival - http://archinect.com/feature...
Omvivo Washplane at the Sydney Opera House » CONTEMPORIST 嗯嗯 很喜欢的洗手盘 - http://www.contemporist.com/2009...
Fwd: 為何建築師愛穿黑? "看 這 百 多 位 建 築 師 的 解 釋 , 有 的 非 常 實 在 , 直 接 說 那 是 為 了 「 使 自 己 看 起 來 瘦 一 點 」 , 或 者 「 它 不 需 要 動 腦 子 , 讓 無 常 的 日 子 裏 起 碼 有 一 樣 事 情 是 確 定 的 」 。 英 國 的 傅 尼 埃 ( Colin Fournier ) 說 得 更 細 : 「 一 是 為 了 令 建 築 師 在 自 己 的 作 品 跟 前 保 持 中 性 , 就 像 神 父 穿 黑 衣 以 突 出 自 己 的 信 仰 。 第 二 , 我 有 色 盲 , 根 本 分 不 出 顏 色 」 。 日 本 青 木 淳 的 答 案 和 他 的 作 品 一 樣 有 趣 : 「 建 築 師...
Four Towers in One Competition / Steven Holl Architects - Archifield [阿奇菲爾德] 建築論壇 chaired by Arata Isozaki, the jury unanimously chose Steven Holl Architects as the winning firm for the design of the Shenzhen master plan - http://www.archifield.net/vb...
柏林舉行包豪斯90週年紀念展[組圖] - http://big5.xinhuanet.com/gate...
Outlaw Design Blog » How to Achieve the Ultimate Home Office Setup - http://www.outlawdesignblog.com/2009...
Large and Colouful House on Portland Road in London - http://freshome.com/2009...
"Those who love colors and would like to stand out from the crowd with their interior design, this London house on Portland Road is more than just a great piece of inspiration. Classic yet filled with life, each of the houses rooms comes in with a different color, while the furniture brings in the much needed contrast. With parquet flooring, a large living room and a wonderful kitchen-diner, the house seems crowded yet appealing in its very own way. Looks like Ken’s and Barbie’s House, don’t you think?" - yagami
墙内可以高速访问。觉得这样色彩斑斓的装修也别具一番味道。其实不一定要颜色统一、风格一致。好看不好看这东西,还是自己说了算,而且就算再怎么不好看,自己的房子,看多几天就舒服了。 - yagami
Landscape+Urbanism: The Writing on the Wall - http://landscapeandurbanism.blogspot.com/2009...
一个合法表达狂野内心的地方 - 陈浩小贤
MoCo Loco: Petting Farm by 70F Architecture - http://mocoloco.com/archive...
"We have a soft spot for farms. Petting Farm by 70F architecture is a just that, a petting farm in a park in the city of Almere. The original one burnt down in the 80's and in 2005 70F was commissioned to build a new one atop the remaining concrete foundation..." - yagami
这年头,牛棚、猪栏的条件都这么好了,可怜我们还得翻-墙-上-网…… - yagami
i would totally live in that barn. - John O'Day
15 Must-See (Post/)Modern Museum Designs | WebUrbanist - http://weburbanist.com/2009...
城市文化的载体及足以激活一座城市的元素:博物馆 - 陈浩小贤
Dezeen » Blog Archive » Out of the Box by Cadence - http://www.dezeen.com/2009...
architechnophilia: blog wunderlust: 17 July 2009 - http://architechnophilia.blogspot.com/2009...
楼主,小书签可以点图片链接过来的,这样看的人会多一点 - yagami
谢谢楼上~ - 陈浩小贤
Tallinn’s City Hall Design by BIG | Future Technology - http://www.tuvie.com/tallinn...
"Bjarke Ingles Group (BIG) has demonstrated an innovative architectural solution for Tallinn’s New City Hall, the new administrative building for the city government, situated on near about 35,000 m2 plot close to the Linnahall building. Designing a crucial public building like this requires inputs from users and neighbors; citizens and politicians, and therefore, this concept have been envisioned as capable to adapt any sorts of unexpected demands. This new town hall will provide transparency on both political overview of demands, desires and problems of the public and public imminent into the political procedures. If this design comes true, the coordination between people and government will become easier and lot more efficient than ever." - yagami
感觉这个建筑群的外观、采光、景观和功能等都考虑得很充分,不光是个好看的花架子 - yagami
Dezeen » Blog Archive » Chen House by C-Laboratory - http://www.dezeen.com/2009...
"Finnish architects C-Laboratory have completed a timber house on a cherry farm in the mountains of northern Taiwan." - yagami
跟自然结合得很紧密,而且感觉采光挺有意思的,就是不知道防风防雨的效果如何。 - yagami
美观性大于实用性, - 施煜
楼上~你如何得到如上见解的? - FlyMeToTheMoon
Raumati Beach House, New Zealand, by Herriot + Melhuish | Design Milk - http://design-milk.com/raumati...
"You might ask, “is it possible to create a truly modern, striking beach house, with stunning views, light, bright spaces and crafted details, yet still remain understated?” Yes, it is says Herriot + Melhuish, and we think so too. This beach house at Raumati in New Zealand isvery simple in form. The few rooms are large, open, but private enough for comfort." - yagami
我希望在耸立的悬崖上直面台风。 - Paul
Stunning Vertical Park Design for Mexico City | Future Technology - http://www.tuvie.com/stunnin...
Vertical Park is a stunning concept skyscraper that has been designed to overcome the impressive pressure of thickening smog and population on the fast expanding metropolis of Mexico City. While the city is having lack of green spaces, this modular skyscraper is envisioned as a series of solar powered stacking units containing green gardens and additional space for living and working. Each module of this concept can be customized to provide space for private and public use, solar and water collection and urban farming. The solar panels will be attached with the steel frames of the building to generate the required power to run various functions of the building and will allow wind to pass through the structure on warm days. - yagami
wow! - Jacob
上海世博会澳门馆“玉兔宫灯” - 观点地产网 - http://www.guandian.cn/article...
"上海世博会澳门馆确定以“玉兔宫灯”方案作为外形设计蓝图。兔子是和谐相容的象征,机灵通达的化身,是古今中外人们乐于运用的吉祥动物,澳门馆的玉兔外型设计灵感来自于华南地区古时的兔子灯笼外型。如果将上海世博会中国馆比喻成神话中的南天门,那澳门馆就犹如在南天门旁的一只仙兔,与中国馆一起共同迎接世界各方的来宾。" - yagami
这是个饭盒吧? - Salt Sharp Sharp
Water Building Resort Design Was Inspired by The Form of a Drop of a Water | Future Technology - http://www.tuvie.com/water-b...
The water building resort has been conceptually and architecturally designed in the shape of a water drop and intends to be the world’s first building that can convert air into water by using solar energy. The technique is nothing but a combination of technology and nature. A photovoltaic glass made southerly facing facade will harness the required solar energy and let light to pass through. Conversely, the northern façade includes a latticed ventilation design and utilizes Teex Micron equipment to convert humid air into pure drinking water through condensation. Moreover, the bottom floor of this resort complex will have a water treatment zone for purifying rain water and salty sear water and a technological investigation center to control and verify water quality. - yagami
同意你的说法。不过据我的了解,目前国内的设计师基本都是看甲方脸色吃饭的,甲方却从来不会考虑你生物、生态一类的东西的,他们的要求很简单,要能赚钱,样子要对自己的胃口。所以,难。 - yagami
图片引用连接:http://www.dezeen.com/2009... - Aang
我觉得要先理解甲方对“野”的理解,不然真难办。 - yagami
'野'与'乱'往往是一线之差 - 陈浩小贤
Dezeen » Panta Rhei school interior by i29 - http://www.dezeen.com/2009...
Dutch interior architects i29 have completed the interior of a public school in Amstelveen in the Netherlands that uses poetry as a design device. - yagami
“色彩的单调不太适合年轻人”,我就说我最近烦小清新么,到处都是纯白系背景、过曝的照片,哈哈哈 - viav
Dezeen » Kindergarten Sighartstein by Kadawittfeldarchitektur - http://www.dezeen.com/2009...
German practice Kadawittfeldarchitektur have completed a kindergarten in Sighartstein near Salzburg, Austria, clad with metal elements designed to look like blades of grass. - yagami
这个是否可以算作几何态跟生态的结合呢 - yagami
看着怪危险的 - 芸窗
万科的几何形态COPY的比较多…… - yagami
我觉得大体上就现代的、古典的、田园的,这几种了。其实风格都是装饰搞得鬼,装修好了再选装饰的东西,看得顺眼就行了。 - yagami
灭房子,装不了。 - xia
The Hergé Museum by Christian de Portzamparc » CONTEMPORIST - http://www.contemporist.com/2009... (通过http://friendfeed.com/
Holley House by Hanrahan Meyers Architects。不知道为什么,每次看到这样的小设计,我就会忍不住感动。这一瞬间,我读到的是这个设计师的小心思。他在考虑如何让厨房采光,凿了个井。 - http://freshome.com/2009...
设计花心思的房子,才是好房子 - yagami
Mosaic House by TNA Arch - http://freshome.com/2009...
Tokyo-base architects from TNA Arch are the guys behind this Mosaic House. Although the name doesn’t reflect the creative shape of the house, the Japanese sure managed to get us eye-struck. Following a contemporary minimalist theme, the interior of the Mosaic House looks like a place you buy a ticket to explore. Without much windows on the outside, the upper level features a glass roof that invites sunlight in and offers spectacular views of the sky. Can you imagine how rain feels at night? A lovely place to live, but isn’t it a bit … empty? - yagami
北向也不是那么可怕,我现在的房子就是,采光好就行。没有好的光线的话,心情都会差很多,所以情愿多花点钱买朝向好的房子。 - yagami
北向没有阳光啊。 - Dallas Cao
看你建筑前面的场地有多开阔了。我这边碰巧三面都很开阔,白天所有房间都有很好的阳光。我以前也很难相信北向有什么好采光,住进来以后才信了。 - yagami