Raumati Beach House, New Zealand, by Herriot + Melhuish | Design Milk - http://design-milk.com/raumati...
"You might ask, “is it possible to create a truly modern, striking beach house, with stunning views, light, bright spaces and crafted details, yet still remain understated?” Yes, it is says Herriot + Melhuish, and we think so too. This beach house at Raumati in New Zealand isvery simple in form. The few rooms are large, open, but private enough for comfort." - yagami
如果有一栋这样的房子,想想都会很舒服。 - yagami
门真的很大,像馆子。 - K.D.
我觉得起居室(客厅)就应该这样,心情舒畅,通风采光好。卧室私密性应该强一点,不必四处透光。 - yagami
豪宅的诱惑。 - Aang
中国没这样的地 给你这样搞 除非你忒有钱 所以买豪宅请去国外 - SimonPeter
国内也有的,看你肯出多少钱了。我觉得最好还是在北部一点的海边建,面朝大海、春暖花开。因为广东、福建这边的沿海,平时挺爽的,一来台风就有点恐怖。 - yagami
我希望在耸立的悬崖上直面台风。 - Paul