80+ Exceptionally Beautiful Photographs of Paris | Inspiration - http://www.hongkiat.com/blog...
One famous photography spot is the magnificent thousand-feet Eiffel Tower, the global icon of France. This awe-inspiring 320-metres iron structure was built a century ago in 1889 by renowned French engineer, Gustave Eiffel, and it remains as one of the most visited and photographed monuments in the world today. Other than the phenomenal Eiffel Tower, Paris is also home to several other major attractions such as the Arc de Triomphe, Basilica of Sacred Heart, Notre Dame, The Bastille, Louvre Museum, Opéra (Paris Métro) and La Défense. The list of places for picture-taking seems never-ending. As you can see, Paris is superb for professional and amateur photographers alike. For this very reason, we thought it will be inspiring to have an excellent collection of photos of this amazing city that might be of interest to you. - yagami
80 Absolutely Beautiful Video Game Wallpapers | Wallpapers - http://www.hongkiat.com/blog...
rom the earliest video game such as Pong in 1972 to the recently released Halo Wars released this year, the video game industry has progressed rapidly in terms of graphics, interactivity and the likes. Today, computer video games are no longer limited to the young and tech savvy generation. People of all ages are coming to appreciate the entertainment value and appeal of a variety of video games ranging from platform to action adventure games. Video games has evolved from mere 2D platform games to a couple of interesting game categories. Gathered from the more commonly played video games genres, it is our pleasure to present 80 Amazing Video Game Wallpapers across the different game consoles. - yagami
This is shared from the bookmarklet through the firefox + TOR. work for the ppl behind the GFW. - yagami
我喜欢上面第二张,任氏家族(^_^) - yezi
里面还有张mario做体操的,也很可爱,呵呵。这个系列挺好的。 - yagami
The 2009 Venice Biennale - The Big Picture - Boston.com - http://www.boston.com/bigpict...
Since 1895, the Venice Biennale, a contemporary art exhibition, has been held in Venice, Italy every two years (with a few breaks). This year Venice is hosting the 53rd Biennale, which includes an international art exhibition, an architecture exhibition and festivals of contemporary music, dance, and theater - as well as the Venice Film Festival. The 53rd International Art Exhibition titled "Making Worlds", opened to the public on June 7, and will remain open until November 22, 2009. Collected here are a few images from the recent vernissage (opening) of the art exhibition and of Venice itself. (29 photos total) - yagami
80 Creative and Well-designed Logos | Inspiration - http://www.hongkiat.com/blog...
Here is a compilation of 80 creative logos of different variety, all categorized under these groups: Wordmark, Symbolic, and Combined mark. Enjoy! - yagami
cool! - Jacob
President Obama's first 167 days - The Big Picture - Boston.com - http://www.boston.com/bigpict...
U.S. President Barack Obama has now been in office for 167 days, and it's time for a look back. Why 167 days? Why not - it's just as arbitrary a number as the usual "100 days". In that time, President Obama has contended with stimulating the U.S. economy, reshaping U.S. policy abroad, and starting work on domestic issues such as health care reform. As he and his family arrive in Moscow today for an official visit, find here a look back at some of the first 167 days of the Obama administration. (38 photos total) - yagami
第一张有点像释迦牟尼大神 - R093r-
觉得挺有意思的。 - yagami
Worth1000.com | Photoshop Contests | Are you Worthy™ | contest - http://www.worth1000.com/contest...
自由女神PS大赛,一共37个图,点击查看超大图清晰特写版,谢谢。 - yagami
组图:阿波罗登月“骗局”十大证据 | 卫报 - 译言出品 - http://guardian.yeeyan.com/guardia...
"美国宇航员是否真的登上了月球?照片为证,正反双方各抒己见。" 一共10条,提供正方反方辩论依据。 英文原地址见:http://www.guardian.co.uk/science... - yagami
这个广告太扯了 - 太阳黑子
Aqueous - today and tomorrow - http://www.todayandtomorrow.net/2009...
"Aqueous, wonderful underwater shapes and colors photography by Mark Mawson." - yagami
沙发....非常淫荡的两个字了,容我酝酿一番:))) - K.D.
《姑妄言》谁读过,可以去试试,重口味的。 - HanChee
Glastonbury 2009(类似woodstock一类的音乐节) - The Big Picture - Boston.com - http://www.boston.com/bigpict...
Over the weekend, appoximately 190,000 people made their way to Worthy Farm in western England to attend the 2009 Glastonbury Festival. Attendees came to see performances at what is billed as "Europe's largest open-air music festival" on many stages over four days - headliners included Bruce Springsteen, Neil Young, and a reunited Blur. Rainy weather did little to dampen the mood, as attendees enjoyed themselves in tent cities, concert performances, dance tents, and the surrounding countryside of Somerset, England. Collected here are a handful of images from this year's festival. (33 photos total) - yagami
都是托词,老婆不让搞所致:P - darwin|1q84
The Futuristic Automotive Top 10 » Yanko Design - http://www.yankodesign.com/2009...
Honestly, this is probably only the first of a few top 10s dealing with the automotive category from YD; we be driving. Today’s list is the future. From wild wheels to perfect seats to flying cars, this is the way we’ll be crashing into each other when tomorrow rolls around. Are you ready for that?! Are you ready to do some amazing flips, twists, and the all important barrel roll? Drop the back on in! - yagami
Dezeen » Blog Archive » Chen House by C-Laboratory - http://www.dezeen.com/2009...
"Finnish architects C-Laboratory have completed a timber house on a cherry farm in the mountains of northern Taiwan." - yagami
跟自然结合得很紧密,而且感觉采光挺有意思的,就是不知道防风防雨的效果如何。 - yagami
美观性大于实用性, - 施煜
楼上~你如何得到如上见解的? - FlyMeToTheMoon
Recent scenes from the ISS - The Big Picture - Boston.com - http://www.boston.com/bigpict...
Earlier this week, NASA released an amazing photograph of an eruption of Sarychev Peak Volcano, taken by astronauts aboard the orbiting International Space Station (ISS). Seeing that great photo prompted me to dig into the archives and see what other imagery I could find from recent NASA archives. Collected here are a handful of photographs of Sarychev Peak Volcano, and more, taken by astronauts aboard the ISS over the past few months. (35 photos total) - yagami
南方周算废了,只发表一些讨巧的东西 - FlyMeToTheMoon
Raumati Beach House, New Zealand, by Herriot + Melhuish | Design Milk - http://design-milk.com/raumati...
"You might ask, “is it possible to create a truly modern, striking beach house, with stunning views, light, bright spaces and crafted details, yet still remain understated?” Yes, it is says Herriot + Melhuish, and we think so too. This beach house at Raumati in New Zealand isvery simple in form. The few rooms are large, open, but private enough for comfort." - yagami
我希望在耸立的悬崖上直面台风。 - Paul
南方周末 - 教科书:删得掉的文字 删不掉的“秘密” - http://www.infzm.com/content...
三任中学教材编选者,首度揭开隐藏在语文课本中的长达半个世纪的“秘密”,这一秘密伴随并影响了80后整整一代人的成长与思想,也折射着所谓时代禁忌回归常识的变迁,以及教育理念的日渐透明和开放。"■《荷塘月色》中的“出浴的美人”显然是不符合的,“那个年代,女同志别说出浴了,就是露出肚脐都要受批判”。 " "■《口技》中的夫妻房事与《葫芦僧判断葫芦案》中的同性恋,别说小孩子,“成年人都不能看的”。 " "■朱德的《母亲的回忆》入选初中课文时曾引起过争议,最后在请示中央有关部门后,获准改为《回忆我的母亲》。 " "■鲁迅的文章,“他的作品要能改的话,一篇文章要改上百处,这不就改坏了吗?所以,一字不改,就在文章下面做注释。” " "■朱自清的《背影》,父子间的眷恋与愁绪遭到知识界批判,认为是“渲染小资产阶级颓废情调”。 " "■魏巍的《谁是最可爱的人》,“当年又是吃苹果又是和爱人散步的,太小资产阶级情调了,不够革命”。 " - yagami
越洗越黑啊,又一特色咯 - 段估唔拉
Soccer in South Africa - The Big Picture - Boston.com - http://www.boston.com/bigpict...
South Africa is currently hosting the 2009 FIFA Confederations Cup, an international soccer tournament held every four years. The Confederations Cup is regarded as a dress rehearsal for the 2010 FIFA World Cup, also hosted by South Africa - the first World Cup to be held in Africa. Expectations are high as preparations, stadium construction and planning for both tournaments have recently picked up pace. With soccer fever sweeping through the country, you'll find here some recent scenes of South Africans enjoying football as both participants and fans. (28 photos total) - yagami
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显然这次GFW简单的只劫持了google.com的域名。当然,这样也好解释,你们的域名是被劫持了,不是被GFW了。 - yagami
GCD可能是故意半封不封的,然后让喉舌说成是google服务器的问题。 已经有这样的新闻评论 了。。... - No Deceit
Stunning Vertical Park Design for Mexico City | Future Technology - http://www.tuvie.com/stunnin...
Vertical Park is a stunning concept skyscraper that has been designed to overcome the impressive pressure of thickening smog and population on the fast expanding metropolis of Mexico City. While the city is having lack of green spaces, this modular skyscraper is envisioned as a series of solar powered stacking units containing green gardens and additional space for living and working. Each module of this concept can be customized to provide space for private and public use, solar and water collection and urban farming. The solar panels will be attached with the steel frames of the building to generate the required power to run various functions of the building and will allow wind to pass through the structure on warm days. - yagami
wow! - Jacob
不装B会死 XD Fotoğrafçının cenneti (http://friendfeed.com/fotogra...)
我试过38E的,两只手刚好握一个 - Baiyssy