Large and Colouful House on Portland Road in London -
"Those who love colors and would like to stand out from the crowd with their interior design, this London house on Portland Road is more than just a great piece of inspiration. Classic yet filled with life, each of the houses rooms comes in with a different color, while the furniture brings in the much needed contrast. With parquet flooring, a large living room and a wonderful kitchen-diner, the house seems crowded yet appealing in its very own way. Looks like Ken’s and Barbie’s House, don’t you think?" - yagami
墙内可以高速访问。觉得这样色彩斑斓的装修也别具一番味道。其实不一定要颜色统一、风格一致。好看不好看这东西,还是自己说了算,而且就算再怎么不好看,自己的房子,看多几天就舒服了。 - yagami