Discovering rooms on FriendFeed -
Awesome. Found a room with this search I had not been able to find with the Google method. - Sean Brady
Very cool, been waiting for this for a while :) - Juan Pablo González
Thank you so much for this! :) - vimoh
Thank goodness! FF now has "room service". - carolh
Peter: search seemed to make more sense as an interface to us. We don't have a categorization scheme for rooms, so there is no reasonable mechanism to browse besides search. - Bret Taylor
this really pointed out how many dead rooms there are. Is there a system for retiring rooms? I searched for the word "job" or "jobs" in room titles, and many of them have one member and no posts. - Laura Norvig
Yeh I found it rediculious to find rooms with common Interest so far I have joined a few... but it was only due to Google Search which gave me a list of the top 100 rooms or something.. but still it was difficult to get to - Ian Cleasby