
Big-time Firefox user; Google, Internet, PHP, CSS, JavaScript, (X)HTML, MediaWiki/Wikipedia enthusiast. And Star Trek, of course.
Google relents and adopts a Microsoft API to improve scrolling in Chrome - http://www.reddit.com/r...
voyagerfan5761 on Any mobile versions of Plex Web in dev? - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"There was, back when I still had a roommate with one, no Plex app for the Wii U. A mobile web interface would have worked much better than the heavyweight desktop UI it shoehorned into the browser." - dgw
voyagerfan5761 on Why do all my tabs go blank while a new tab loads? - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"Sounds like a lack of system or video RAM. The tab doesn't reload because it's merely being redrawn." - dgw
voyagerfan5761 on Lag everywhere. Anyone else experiencing this? - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"I feel compelled to point out even this long after the fact that 40Mbit/s = 5MB/s, not 8MiB/s. A byte has 8 bits in it." - dgw
voyagerfan5761 on FedEx Shipping really freaking sucks guys. - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"Really, the phone should be packed better. Inside another box. With padding. Lots of padding. But this is really unusual for FedEx. I rarely see any package damage from UPS too, but most of my UPS packages come from Amazon so maybe they're more careful with those." - dgw
voyagerfan5761 on 5.1 audio bug - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"Same happens to me with Angry Birds Transformers (again, no judgy). Started immediately after OTA from 5.0.1 (LRX22C) to 5.1 (LMY47M)." - dgw
voyagerfan5761 on Plex Android stream freezes when seeking - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"This is a real problem. I'm afraid I have no solution to offer, because I get this too. :/" - dgw
voyagerfan5761 on Question about social media archives - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"I don't know if it's still the case, but at one point there was a big deal made about the Library of Congress archiving all tweets straight from the Streaming API. That's one way something could stick around after being deleted." - dgw
voyagerfan5761 on Tap to wake on 5.1 LMY47M - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"I'm even more confused now. Would previously running a kernel with tap-to-wake enabled leave behind bits that would keep it enabled even after flashing over the system, boot, and recovery partitions? O.o" - dgw
voyagerfan5761 on Battery replacement success rates? - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"I got one off eBay, after comparing the markings in the photo. Granted, product photos on eBay can't necessarily be trusted, but seller gd_luck turned out to be good luck for me; the new and old battery labels matched up perfectly. New battery is sometimes reticent to actually charge past 93%, but that could be software that hasn't adapted to the new pack yet. Sometimes it goes to 100%, sometimes not; it's moody." - dgw
voyagerfan5761 on Battery replacement success rates? - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"Mother of ions, I thought mine was bad when I noticed that the phone could spin like a top one day. Swapped out (along with the microUSB port while I was in there) and back to normal, but the old battery was nowhere near that swollen. For the record, I had trouble with the exact same corner." - dgw
voyagerfan5761 on [Q] Effect trigger on keydown / stop on keyup? - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"There's a thought. Only had this thing for a day, so not sure how that might be done, but I might have to explore it this weekend." - dgw
voyagerfan5761 on [Q] Effect trigger on keydown / stop on keyup? - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"I suspected as much. At least DG2 changed it to a toggle, so the built-in Chroma toggle function works." - dgw
Trek art request: United Federation of Planets flag and vulcan flag at half-mast. - http://www.reddit.com/r...
voyagerfan5761 on Anyone using Meerkat? - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"iPhone-only product launches are the biggest non-starter. * yawn *" - dgw
[Battlefield 4] The Phantom Bow can pretty much destroy everything - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
Re: Our 6 TB Hard Drive Face-Off - https://www.backblaze.com/blog...
"1-2 days? I guess most people have much less than 3TB in their initial set. At any rate, my connection can handle at least 4MB/s up and 10MB/s down, so cranked up to maximum performance it's estimating 30GB/day or so now. That's better; guess the initial estimate is conservative." - dgw
Re: Our 6 TB Hard Drive Face-Off - https://www.backblaze.com/blog...
"Tentatively (I just installed the client and it's still scanning my drives), ^ this. Backblaze is accepting an average of about 1.5GB/s per second according to these stats, but the client says that my backup should run at about "2 GBytes/Day". So I get about 1.3 seconds' worth of transmission time per day? Seems low, unless it's a deliberate plan to keep users from backing up too much data in their "unlimited" backup plans." - dgw
Re: Our 6 TB Hard Drive Face-Off - https://www.backblaze.com/blog...
"I just cashed in the remaining time on my CrashPlan subscription and installed Backblaze for the very reason that the Java client often brought my system to its knees, both during backup (I/O & CPU) and during scanning (mostly I/O)." - dgw
voyagerfan5761 on Lag or Touch Problems? - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"The 2013 N7 definitely has touch issues. I've taken to transferring my account to my Nexus 4 temporarily when I really need to FC something, and my long term goal is to upgrade to a Nexus 6 or 9." - dgw
voyagerfan5761 on Free Synergy Promo Codes - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"And a month later, it's up to $9.95. This does not look good." - dgw
@LaLaLandRecords Should I hold my breath for Voyager and/or Enterprise collections? I'd love to complete my collection. :)
RT @iamdevloper: "Hey, remember when we screwed you over with our API policy changes? Well we've made it all good now...FREE EMOJIS" https://t.co/F0Os1iRnnE
@CrashPlanHelp You got it. Tried to include any details that might be relevant, but let me know if I left out something you need!
@CrashPlanHelp Working on it. What do I specify for Product if I have CrashPlan Unlimited?
@CrashPlanHelp The CrashPlan Backup Service on my Win7 x64 system has had my @Drobo 5D at 100% active time all day. Any tips?
I think, after college, I'll apply to work for @Ingress so I can proofread their emails and avoid stuff like this. http://puu.sh/cG6ns...
@ryanmr Ugh, ikr
@robey Not MY religion…
I'd like to point out that @hintwater blew their chance to keep me on their mailing list when they sent me two emails in one day. #ThatIsAll
Meredith Willson – Overture / Rock Island - http://www.last.fm/music...