The REAL Grey, Colorless, Horde
No, I don't hate Macs. I own a few and love them just fine (along with machines of many other flavors). It's just a funny picture that's not an entirely uncommon sight. - abacab
One of us! One of us! - Louis Gray
Look at all those folks being creative and independent. Sweet. - Ken Sheppardson
@Ken lol - mikepk
Reminds me of a quote. forget the source, and I'm probably butchering it, but something like "Nothing a nonconformists hates more than another nonconformist who fails to share their ideals of nonconformity" - mikepk
I see a HP in there... - Outsanity
Almost looks like Gnomedex except I brought my Dell to that. - Robert Scoble
SCARY - sean percival
I have a skin on my MacBook to avoid that look. :) - Cyndy
Just a few years ago, the color scheme would have been reversed. - Phil Boiarski
My lappie is a Crampaq with a sticker over the logo. It was free and it does what I need it to do. Me happy. - Big Joe Silenced