
Because I care.
I don't have to remind everyone again how much Sarah Lacy sucks, do I? I hope not.
hi my name is victoria,i am looking for friend that is why i am writing you, so accept my invitation for friend, and write me back with my email address as follows write me here so that i will send you my picture and details about me, i wait for your reply to my Email ( [email protected]) mis victoria - Victor Ifeanyi
I keep saying it, but the Internet's killer app moving forward is "online privacy". Someone, start nailing this.
Orgler HAS to be an AOL idea. #winamp
#RSS would be far less dead--or at least very, very ripe--if Winer wasn't such a fucking douchebag.
Sarah Lacy cocked up another panel, eh? SHOCKING.
Will they call it the FoneBook? What a stupid idea, a Facebook phone. But plenty of idiots would buy it.
Wow, someone's trying to change my password. Idiot.
Still all wanky-wanky up in here.
Been-gone benefit: a totally empty Mentions timeline. Don't ruin it now, OK?
Smells like love in here.... or old burrito, I can't tell.
I'm not a Gillmor fan, either, but someone told me about his recent podcast comparison of Winer to Leno; pretty spot-on.
NYU gets Yet Another Outdated Old Fogey. Every lecture will surely be a variation on "Let's Talk About Me". So lucky, those crazy NYU kids.
@rbonini: Once I'm in even deeper hiding, sure. ;)
Zuckerberg needs to put up or shut up. He should post his bank account numbers, as well as those of employees, friends, and family.
That would be good. If he does that, be sure to tell me :). - Roberto Bonini
So Zuckerberg, I'm gonna come to your house, raid your fridge, maybe watch you take a shit. You don't mind, right? Of course you don't.
What I really want is for Google to bring me an Audi product, not the other way around.
1,339 free mp3s off Amazon.com, free of any scheming referralIDs (full disclosure, wot?): http://www.amazon.com/s...
Bleak Friday leads to Cyber Conday. Enjoy, you wacky capitalists!
Winer's equating himself to Thomas Jefferson and Ralph Waldo Emerson? Dooooouche.
Still alive. Saddens a few of you, I'm sure. :P
Microclimates. Yes.
Recently listened to Bear McCreary – Something Dark is Coming http://www.last.fm/music...
Hilarious. Wave invites out now, what, a day? Tons of everydayjoes are already complaining about how hard it is to get in? Uhh. *slap*
I'm surprised the pornspammers haven't flooded the #googlewave trend tag yet. Let me go ahead and wave my google at you all.
Please, no more "Goodle Waue" invites. I don't care how great the deal, if they look the same and would fool most people.
@abacab forward an invite to me if you have extra... [email protected] - Prolific Programmer
Winer, ever the hypocrite, writes a "People don't work for free" post after spending several recent posts begging for free server setups, software rewrites, code updates, hints and tips and tricks and all manner of assistance... for which he pays nothing. Is he that smart, or are his lemmings just that fucking stupid?
It looks to me like the people claiming the "anti-RSSCloud" people don't get it... don't get it themselves. Not sure if that's funny or sad.
Beer me, dammit.
a year late maybe, but here ya go. - motownmutt
You may also upgrade to RSSCloud Pro. Same SASE, but I loot the neighbor's dog pen instead. You'll be amazed!
Want RSSCloud on your blog? Send me a SASE, and I'll fill it with something special from our cat's litterbox. Results guaranteed!
@micah: No apologies. Nice use of the tech. Constantly moving your treadmill all around your house and yard had to be a PITA, though. ;)