
Because I care.
Want RSSCloud on your blog? Send me a SASE, and I'll fill it with something special from our cat's litterbox. Results guaranteed!
@micah: No apologies. Nice use of the tech. Constantly moving your treadmill all around your house and yard had to be a PITA, though. ;)
And yes, RSS is still favored strongly by vultures. Carve the stone already; don't wanna be late for the burial.
I believe it's even older than that, but it was so freakin' long ago no one cares. We were likely all getting online w/ soupcans and string.
Whoever pulled that architect/web-designer site/post out of its mothballs...kudos. Nice job. So relevant. So witty. So seven damn years ago.
@motownmutt: Thanks. And I need to finally lose that avatar. It's been making me itch.
I know, it's a terrible visual. I'm so sorry.
That other sound you're probably still hearing in the East Bay? Someone "self-congratulating" himself in the most personal way imaginable.
Remember, too, all you suckers helping him for free when he insists on being paid at every turn for his time... you got, and get, nothin'.
I still consider RSSCloud largely unimpressive, and who the hell uses River2 anyway? Winer's sycophants, and...who, again?
That sound you may have heard recently in the East Bay was Dave Winer's head growing so big, so quickly, it exploded.
Welcome to Facebook.
I really, really don't like the name "PubSubHubbub".
Fwd: Faceboook + FriendFeed: Do you "Like" it? - http://answers.polldaddy.com/poll... (via http://friendfeed.com/ajbatac...)
@NicoleSimon: It's not so easy to remove people from business. Either as your customers or your staff, you always have some pleasing to do.
I don't know what Google's putting into the http://www2.sandbox.google.com, but I like it.
Go, Posterous, go...
Fwd: Because it was needed: FriendFeed gets the Downfall treatment. - http://www.youtube.com/watch... (via http://friendfeed.com/itafrom...)
I suppose we could just all move to Plurk. ;)
@deanpence: Thanks. I'm here, I'm there. Took some time offline for some projects (work and play, both). Refreshed.
This isn't gonna get me to move to Facebook. It's only gonna push me further back onto Twitter. Lose-lose, ultimately.
OK, FriendFeed isn't Flickr, and Facebook sure as hell isn't Yahoo. Can I stop seeing that analogy now? Please?
Is there/will there be a period where we'll be able to remove our data/posts/etc from FriendFeed altogether and have it never be in Facebook's possession to use as they please? Does the standard FFeed account deletion not only remove the data from display in user streams, but also from FF servers? I don't want FB touching me in any way at all,...
... virtually or otherwise, ever. Really. - abacab
So, we're now in a "transitional period," period? Not a conditional item any more, present tense. [Amend: get it: http://www.techcrunch.com/2009... http://blog.friendfeed.com/2009... (What makes you say so [also see: http://friendfeed.com/clonefe...)] - ianf ⌘
So, who's effectively done with FriendFeed now?
I'm not done with it, but I don't have a great feeling about the purchase. - Cheryl Jones
I'm just concerned, I love the site and I worry that it's all going to go Pete Tong now - Joe Dawson
I definitely am going to immediately start preparing to leave FriendFeed, but I'll only go once my subscriptions are gone. - James Rishabh Mishra
I don't want to be done, frankly, but I have zero confidence in Facebook "Doing the Right Thing" with any of my data here. So I'll be disassembling my presence and all the feeds and things I redirect here (through this account and others, for a variety of purposes, both work and play), waiting for Facebook to drop the other shoe and gut or taint the experience I've come to enjoy here. - abacab
One of these days we'll all sit around discussing the few 'Net-related ideas Dave Winer didn't write about as if he invented 'em. And laugh and laugh and laugh.
So, how you doing? You've been mighty invisible for a good while. - Michael W. May
Doing great. Took a couple of vacations & time off to tackle some new projects, including some writing. Been offline as abacab a bit to help reset my perspective and verify my take on Net topics and the people involved. For better or worse, it seems little has changed. Thanks for inquiring; I really do appreciate it. :-) - abacab
Glad to hear you've been writing :) And glad to have you back around too. - Michael W. May
I forget now who said it, but I tend to agree: "If I put you on a list, you just as well might not exist."
Every time I see a Winer mention of Twitter's SUL, I can't help but think, in those instances anyway, SUL has to mean "Shut Up, Loser." I mean, NYT didn't want to pay him for a "river" script he wrote. Get. over. it. already.
Anyone that's added me lately, I'll add back soon. FFeed ditched bulk-subscribe, so I'm adding one at a time there. Clickity...wankwankwank.
I still don't use this. - http://abacab.tumblr.com/post...
Two things I can't live without: bacon & someone's like page. Except I'm lying about one of them. Oh, and I can't live without bacon. People, please create your own window to the Internet. Make it as big or as little as you like. Don't presume there's any one right way or right group of people you should be following or otherwise emulating. Bacon.
Just listened to Dodo/Lurker by Genesis on Grooveshark: http://listen.grooveshark.com/song...