Phil Boiarski

Addicted to poetry; saddened by the devaluation and denigration of language; bored by the continuous commerce and the constant cacophony of petty pop-culture.
The Twitter Experiment Mod and more -
After much effort, The Book of Timelessness, ( inspired by the photoillustrations of... -
The Tree Poems Time does not allow to take you with me on my hike. Here's a video of me reciting my poems to the beings that inspired them. -
I surrender to Amazon. It is like prostrating before the king of beasts and knowing I am but a flea on the rump of the hyena cowering. The lion, of course, is... -
"Coal & Ice," my memoir has finally been reprinted. ( … …) Let me know what you think. I'm working on a... -
Fault lies with government in Italy quake verdict - -
From the people who imprisoned Galileo and burned Giadarno Bruno at the stake. All these niggling astrologers and necromancers must be hanged. - Phil Boiarski
joe cocker - FEELIN ALRIGHT - Ultimate Collection -
Artistic genius is seeing the extraordinary in the ordinary. Eric Marlow, is an artist who transforms Colonel Sander's recycled spoons and straws into a laying hen, or is that a fryer. The large sculpture is made of recycled aluminum wire and beer cans. This is all copyrighted material, of course, but the eye of the artist, wow!
At the Columbus Arts Festival, I read for about 10 minutes. Not a great reading but there was a camera there and the sound wasn't bad. Reading, June 2, Columbus... -
Phil Boiarski H-264 -
Fwd: On May 4th, I was honored to receive First Place in the Adult Division of the Toledo Museum of Art’s (TOMA) Annual Ekphrastic Writing Contest. ( I blogged about it today, (ttp:// in this muted light while this moment slipped away. (via
A blog about light and darkness, and the thoughts of a being trapped time from the dark side of Hiroshi Yoshida's moon -
Climate change deniers are called out on their hypocritical whining by Forbes magazine of all publications. You know you are in trouble when a bizmag points out your BS.
Eastwood's Super Bowl ad sparks the discord it decries - -
"Fog, Division, Discord & Blame," isn't that Karl Rove's firm? - Phil Boiarski
"Chrysler last May repaid all the loans made to it by the Obama administration six years before required. At the same time Fiat, which owns 58.5% of Chrysler, bought the U.S. government's equity stake in Chrysler. The only U.S. aid Chrysler has not repaid is what it received from the Bush administration." - L. A. Times - Phil Boiarski
Bobrak Omarley, the guy who could and did inhale, the cat who could capture disenchanted Ron Paul voters after the Aqua Buddha's dad loses by closing bases and coming out to legalize ganja.
George Voldemort Bush, he who shall not be named, the guy who did not exist before Obama, the guy whose single drug benefit costs more than Obamacare, the guy whose two wars where never paid for, the guy who cut taxes and piddled away a surplus.
At Occupy Berkeley, Beat Poets Has New Meaning - -
Sad, really. Poets are no threat to Wall Street, or to the Police. It reminds me that the Police came for Lorca and for Akhmatova. One of Assad's security's first victims was a poet. What are they afraid of/ - Phil Boiarski
You can leave your hat on (Joe Cocker): official clip! -
What Progressives Don’t Understand About Obama - -
Hey, white folks, think about this. - Phil Boiarski
Christopher Columbus 'was Polish not Portuguese' claim historians | Mail Online -
"Psia clew!" We need new history books! - Phil Boiarski
Still the Best Congress Money Can Buy - -
Barry Blitt can draw well, but his mind is deeper than his artistic talent and his "Dali"ance with the metaphor is funny. The Jackass & the Elephant at the trough again and either one is laughing on their way to a golden retirement, suckas! - Phil Boiarski
Give Thanks for ... Eel? - -
Thankful, Native Americans sacrificed animals to the Great Spirit. Not meat but life was offered. Never wasteful, they ate the corpses. - Phil Boiarski
Could She Reach the Top in 2012? You Betcha - -
"Constant as a Northern star. Constant in the darkness, where's that at?" J. Mitchell - Phil Boiarski
The Grand Old Plot Against the Tea Party - -
Tea and sympathy, No, just tea. - Phil Boiarski
YouTube - I Remember -
I guess a lot of folks forgot - Phil Boiarski
Artfully pricking the Denizens of GlennBeckistan.
Although I am sure Robert Scoble only speaks the truth. - Phil Boiarski