Should I stay up until FF dies?
what time is it there? - Big Joe Silenced
Who knows that ? - alireza6211
Midnight, I think. - bentley
12:10am on April 10th! - Melly #FForever
Wait...FF is still around on the 10th? Damn. We're all holding a vigil and it'll still be around. - LB's FF Hubby
I stayed up till 2 am (California midnight) and woke up at my usual time. Grrrr. I managed to nap for a half hour this morning, I think. I leave for work in a couple of hours and will stay late. I'm going to be dead tonight. :-) - bentley
I have nothing pressing happening tomorrow so I'm tempted. - Melly #FForever
This is going to sound like I'm either making light of something that I shouldn't make light of, or making FF's shutdown deeper than it is, but in some ways, this vigil reminds me of my father being in hospice care last fall: we all know it's happening and are just waiting for it to be done, even though the being done will hurt. - ellbeecee
imma go change out of my street clothes. you're all gonna be here when i get back, right? RIGHT? *quivering lip* - Big Joe Silenced
@ellbeecee It's exactly that. Very apt. - Benny Bucko (Josh)
I think you should do what you feel you won't regret. I think you'll want to see the end. Though I'm probably not going to be the one paying for it tomorrow while the kids are awake and I'm at work. - Benny Bucko (Josh)
let's enjoy each other's minds and company right until the last. - Big Joe Silenced
Last Dance Last Chance for love...... - ♫Maurice the Dolphin♫
I guess so - I'm tired, and it's stupidly-late here - but I want to see what happens... - Tyson Key