No Mass Extinction Tonight | Great Twitter follow @AsteroidWatch:
Meh. Call me when you hit 1.0 lunar distances. - Louis Gray
Added you to the <1 Lunar Distance list, good sir. - Kurt Starnes
Hooray! I woulda been _pissed_ if I'd woken up dead tomorrow. - Andrew C (see
yeah... but a little more heads up time would be nice - Chris Heath
A little more heads-up time so you can do what? - Andy Bakun
Kiss your ass goodbye? - FFing Enigma
Would you want to know in advance if an asteroid was gonna kill you? Not sure if I would or not. - Kurt Starnes
A day or two's notice would be nice - I could make a nice dinner or something. - Andrew C (see
You can get a lot of taffic on twitter. this is a nice ad - dominique terry
Dominique: It's not my Twitter account, it's NASA's. I just like to follow it because of tweets like this one. - Kurt Starnes
kurt, i think dominique might be a spammer... no real content just 'deals' and seo stuff - hasn't really spammed links yet though - Chris Heath
Ah, I see now, Chris. - Kurt Starnes