April Buchheit

Help a UCSF Preemie Reach Their 5th Birthday: causes.com/ucsfpreemies
eskimogirl43 on List of deaths in rock and roll - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"Aaliyah, d: August 25, 2001, plane crash" - April Buchheit
eskimogirl43 on Thankfulness Linked to Positive Changes in Brain and Body - http://www.reddit.com/r...
""Studies have shown measurable effects on multiple body and brain systems, said Doraiswamy. Those include mood neurotransmitters (serotonin, norepinephrine), reproductive hormones (testosterone), social bonding hormones (oxytocin), cognitive and pleasure related neurotransmitters (dopamine), inflammatory and immune systems (cytokines), stress hormones (cortisol), cardiac and EEG rhythms, blood pressure, and blood sugar."" - April Buchheit
Annie earns her orange belt - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
323540_10152065496300293_550167163_o.jpg - https://picasaweb.google.com/1026972...
I miss those two around here. - Bruce Lewis
Me too. - Amit Patel
eskimogirl43 on Can anybody tell me what breed this chicken is? - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"You guys aren't very helpful. *pout* But, whatevs--it's a free country." - April Buchheit
Hi April! I bet FF will be better then Reddit at figuring out what breed http://imgur.com/rNI2D is. - Stephen Mack
Hmm, looks like April got her answer on FB, per her update: "Update: So, I've inquired with my friends on FB and we've narrowed it down to an Easter Egger/Americauna/Sussex mix." - Stephen Mack
Not sure, backyardchicken.com has lots of pics by breed, may be able to find it there. - SAM
eskimogirl43 on I was shocked as a kid when I found out that most pop singers don't compose their own songs. What was your biggest "life is fake" realization? - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"That there is no spoon." - April Buchheit
When I found out humans hadn't been to all the planets. - Stephen Mack
There is a spoon. - Amit Patel
Thomas taking Camilla down - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
Photo on 2012-04-27 at 16.27.jpg - https://picasaweb.google.com/1026972...
Who is that?! - Amit Patel
That's me showing off my new hair cut - April Buchheit
It's been so long … last time I saw you, you had dark hair ;) - Amit Patel
nice - ibrahim ali
The French Laundry (3/5) - http://www.yelp.com/biz...
"I have to say that I was a little underwhelmed. Don't get me wrong, the food was tasty and the service was impeccable (and I'm very grateful to everyone involved in making the evening happen). But…" - April Buchheit
Manresa Restaurant (5/5) - http://www.yelp.com/biz...
"Update: Went here again last night with a couple of other friends. Just coming back from the wine country and having eaten at The French Laundry, I can say, with certainty, that Manresa is my top…" - April Buchheit
Manresa Restaurant (5/5) - http://www.yelp.com/biz...
"Had a double date with some friends here last week and the food and drinks were amazing. I definitely plan on coming back." - April Buchheit
Famous Paintings Improved by Cats - http://www.sadanduseless.com/2012...
I LOL'd - April Buchheit
reddit is offline in protest of PROTECT IP and SOPA - http://www.reddit.com/
"submitted by reddit to blog." - April Buchheit
Camilla: "When I grow up, I'm going to go snowboarding when it's snowing outside in Utah and Thomas is going to say, 'Camilla! Camilla! What are you doing?' and I'm going to say, 'I'm snowboarding!'"
Camilla: "Mommy, I want you to drive. Not Daddy." Me: "I'm feeling tired, Camilla. I think I'll have Daddy drive." Camilla: "No! I want you to do it!" Me: "Camilla, either Daddy drives or we stay home. Those are your options."
Camilla: "I don't like your options! I just want to take them and put them up on the fireplace so that you can't reach them!" - April Buchheit
Nice comeback! - The Other Yvonne
Camilla: "Is that a hooker for the dress?"
I think she meant 'hanger' - April Buchheit
:D - Anne Bouey
"This place is absolutely adorable! I had lunch here with a couple of other mom's for a mommies only lunch date and we had a great time. The 'Adults Only' outdoor space (the side patio) is a nice…" - April Buchheit
Franco Uomo (5/5) - http://www.yelp.com/biz...
"I have come to rely on Franco for menswear for my husband. I respect and admire his opinion on men's fashion. The man knows what he's doing. My husband gets a lot of compliments whenever he wears…" - April Buchheit
Is there a healthy school lunch delivery service out there (covering the SJ area) that can deliver food that my daughter will eat? I'm tired of putting so much effort into planning and preparing her lunch just so that I can throw it all away later...
The main factor is that by lunch time, her food is no longer fresh. For instance, she asked for a grilled cheese sandwich, so I made one for her, cut it up and put it in her thermos to keep warm. The good part is that it stays warm, the not so good part is that it gets all soggy and mushy and just plain unappetizing. Good thing my chickens were more than happy to eat it all up, but boy, what a waste of time and energy. - April Buchheit
Our preschool offers http://www.tastenutrition.com/ but I doubt they'll deliver for just one kid. Maybe waiter.com? - Stephen Mack
Well, I was thinking of getting the other moms in on this... - April Buchheit
Don't they serve Waldorf salad there? - Gabe
Just wanted to spread the word about this play which will be casted by the students and staff of Njeri's Morning Glory School:
'Ahmal and the Night Visitors' is a tender, heart-warming story of a poor shepherd boy, his devoted mother, and three night visitors. It was written specifically for young minds and remains an inspiring story of faith, charity, unselfish love, good deeds and miracles. - April Buchheit
Feeling the warm fuzzies about Camilla's school, Njeri's Morning Glory School http://njerismorningglory.com/
I'm still ever so glad that I found this hidden gem of a school. South Bay parents, if you're looking for a nurturing, creative school environment where your child's natural love of learning and curiosity can be fostered and enriched, this Waldorf-inspired school is the place to be. - April Buchheit
And by the way, after the NYT article, the school is getting media inquiries like crazy from around the world, and tons of TV coverage too. I see news crews doing profiles practically daily. Waldorf is about to get a ton of mainstream exposure. - Stephen Mack
I've got this song on repeat in my head for the past couple of days: http://www.youtube.com/watch...
Paul's Acceptance Speech - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
Congrats, Paul. - OCoG of FF, Jimminy
Paul thinks outside the laws of physics. - Amit Patel
Camilla: "I want more bacon! Where's the bacon?" Me: "The bacon is inside of you, Camilla." Paul: "Yes. Do not look outside yourself for bacon, Camilla. The bacon is within us all."
hi funny - Moses Mailu Nzioka
Is that why humans are called 'long pork'? - Amit Patel
eskimogirl43 on Planning trip around Europe via railray, any advice? - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"I highly suggest reading this: http://www.amazon.com/Rick-St... This was our bible when the husband and I went backpacking through (Western) Europe for 5 weeks. We started out in Barcelona, then Cannes, rented a car and drove around the mountains in Southern France, dropped the rental off at St. Tropez, took the train to Nice, Venice, Interlaken (Switzerland), took a gondola up to Gimmelwald (stayed at an awesome hostel there), continued to Zurich, then Munich, then Lingen (to visit with the husband's relatives), Amsterdam, Loire Valley, Paris, and then London. And yes, definitely get a Eurail pass and take advantage of staying in hostels." - April Buchheit
This is great! What old memories! - Anne Bouey
Alien Planet Made of Diamond Discovered - http://www.space.com/12731-d...
" This illustration shows the alien planet around pulsar PSR J1719-1438, where ultra-high pressures caused carbon to crystallize in the remnant of a dead star. The planet is made of diamond and orbits a dense pulsing star with a radius smaller than that of our sun." - April Buchheit
No mention of how many carats it is, though. - Andrew C (✔)
High Society (5/5) - http://www.yelp.com/biz...
"Found some really fun shirts for the husband to wear for dinner. Betty was such a doll, too. I'm definitely adding this store to my mental list of go-to places to buy menswear." - April Buchheit
"A little birdie told me that the Cincinnati-style chili was taken off the menu due to lack of interest. This doesn't affect my star rating, though. But come on, people! Don't knock it 'till you try…" - April Buchheit
Wine Country Coops (5/5) - http://www.yelp.com/biz...
"Two months ago, we bought 4 chicks to raise for eggs. We kept them in a small cage with a heat lamp in the garage. The poor dears were getting quite cramped in their tiny accommodations and I had to…" - April Buchheit
Camilla (whispering): "Mommy, I fell asleep with my eyes open."