Is there a healthy school lunch delivery service out there (covering the SJ area) that can deliver food that my daughter will eat? I'm tired of putting so much effort into planning and preparing her lunch just so that I can throw it all away later...
The main factor is that by lunch time, her food is no longer fresh. For instance, she asked for a grilled cheese sandwich, so I made one for her, cut it up and put it in her thermos to keep warm. The good part is that it stays warm, the not so good part is that it gets all soggy and mushy and just plain unappetizing. Good thing my chickens were more than happy to eat it all up, but boy, what a waste of time and energy. - April Buchheit
Our preschool offers but I doubt they'll deliver for just one kid. Maybe - Stephen Mack
Well, I was thinking of getting the other moms in on this... - April Buchheit
Don't they serve Waldorf salad there? - Gabe