I did all the puking today. All of it. Your share, and your share, and even your share. All the puking.
Yikes. - Steven Perez
Thank you. I hate puking. - Brian Johns
I do not like, but appreciate your taking this on for the rest of us. - Friar Will
Ugh. I am so sorry :( - Jennifer Dittrich
Puking is the worst, worse than pain for me by a long shot - Steve C, Team Marina
:( - Alix May
Thank you fro taking one for the team... Be well - WarLord
If I had known, I would have drank more beer! Seriously, I hope you feel better today. - Eric - Final Countdown
Nope, sorry, not my share. I did a lifetime's worth of puking about 2 years ago, when I had all that gall bladder trouble. Every time I ate the wrong thing with just a little bit too much fat, about 12 hours later I'd end up puking every 10 minutes, for about 6-12 hours. The pain would be gone in about 3-4 hours, but the puking would just keep on going. I can only describe the experience as feeling like I was practicing my impression of a frog in space. http://www.omgfacts.com/lists... - April Russo (FForever!)
Oh doll. So sorry. - t-ra: sentimental gorgon