I'd like to stay up with you all one last night, but I'm falling asleep in front of my computer.
So good night, and I hope to see you all elsewhere on the web. - John (bird whisperer)
Goodnight, John. <3 - Kristin
Night John :) - Penny
Sleep well, John. See you in other places. <3 - Jennifer Dittrich
Good night, John. - vicster.
'night John! - rønin
Night John! This thing ain't going anywhere so see you in the morning. - Stephen Mack
G'night, John. - bentley
Good night, good sir :) - Brent Schaus
Me too. - Amit Patel
Nite, John :) - WoH: Professor MOTHRA
Goodnight. I'm right behind you shortly. - DB, Lil LB&#39;s Dad
Goodnight, Johnboy. - Micah
Can't sleep. Friendfeed will go down. Can't sleep. Friendfeed will go down. - Morton Fox
good night! - holly #ravingfangirl
good night <3 - Marissa