In having a conversation with someone today I realized I am 6 days out from being 9 years smoke free. GO ME.
that is awesome! - kendrak
WOO HOO - Soup in a TARDIS
3 days. I had a moment today where I thought, out of nowhere, "a cigarette would be nice right now". I didn't physically want one, just a mental moment. Fuck that shit. That's my brain being it's little enabler self and we're not having that at all. - ellbeecee
I hope it isn't terribly rude to ask, but how did you kick the habit? I'm having a terrible time cutting soda and I'd love to know how you managed to make such a successful health change. - Soup in a TARDIS
I used Chantix - and I honestly didn't expect it to work, to the point that I bought a pack one night and woke up the next morning, had one and never touched the rest of the pack. Now, I gave up soda a couple of years ago and that went in stages. First, I went to fizzy water - the soda stream gave me water with the amount of fizz I like, and I kept unsweet iced tea for daytime caffeine. At this point, I've given up the tea too - I have one, occasionally two, cups (mugs) of coffee in the morning, then water the rest of the day. Still at work, fizzy at home. - ellbeecee
Dr. Pepper, Janet - Soup in a TARDIS
You kicked soda and smoking? Okay, color me impressed forever. FOREVER. - Soup in a TARDIS
well, the conversation with my AZ dentist about the number soda, even diet, like I drank, can do on teeth was a big motivator. it probably contributed strongly to some, though not all, of the teeth issues I've had. - ellbeecee
Soup, I struggled to give up soda and finally kicked the habit last year. Coke was my weakness, with the occasional root beer. - Corinne L
So many impressive, self-controlled people! - Soup in a TARDIS
Nice!! - YvonneM
38 days, using bupropion. - Iñaki Arrieta Baro
great job, Iñaki! - ellbeecee