#cheersff I found this place when I was looking for some kind of lifestreaming dohicky to put on my blog, and ended up with a years-long obsession. The community here has been amazing, to say the least, if not for myself, than for witnessing friendships and various relationships grow and flourish in this space.
Yes, I disappeared for a time. I missed you all, but I was in an unhealthy place, as far as my internet addictions were concerned. I really needed to clear my head. It was always nice, when I did come back, to be welcomed as much as I was. *clinking with a beer stein filled with coffee because its 6 AM here' - #cryptic
It's so good to see your face, H. <3 - felicious
*hugs* - #cryptic
Hi, Helen! :) Cheers! - Anne Bouey
Cheers, Anne! - #cryptic
Cheers, Chris! - #cryptic
Cheers, Helen! - Tamara J. B.
Cheers, Ms. J.B.! :D - #cryptic
Love ya, sweet lady. :) All the best. <3 - AHnix (Anna Haro)
Nice to see you again. - John (bird whisperer)
John and Anna, *HUGARAMAS* - #cryptic