Nice to see FriendFeed is alive and well (Hi all!) #notimetoblog :)
Hi, Charlie! - Anne Bouey
Hi - Johnny
Hi Anne .... Hope all is good! Woops and Johnny ... and I'm stilll working on WoH ... Hmmm - Charlie Anzman
it's.....Charlie! - WoH: Professor MOTHRA
Higlet! - Charlie Anzman
OMG! How the heck are you? - WoH: Professor MOTHRA
Been super busy ... a good thing. All is well! - Charlie Anzman
OK ... where's everyone else. Sleeping or what? - Charlie Anzman
hiya! about to be. - Big Joe Silenced
Me too, Just havin' a little overdue FF fun and seeing if the 'old gang' was still around - Charlie Anzman
Hi Charlie :) - comix aka martha
G'night! - Anne Bouey
Sleep well I'm off to bed myself :D - comix aka martha
Charlie...was he really here....? - WoH: Professor MOTHRA
I just got called out on +1 for being a slacker here. True. - Charlie Anzman
*smiles innocently* - Laura Norvig
Was wondering if you'd see that Laura. Funny. - Charlie Anzman