What's your post with the most likes?
Apr 9, 2015
DB, Lil LB's Dad,
Victor Ganata,
Iván Abrego,
Susan Beebe,
Kol Tregaskes,
Aloof Schipperke,
Zulema ❧ spicy cocoa tart,
Jennifer Dittrich,
Bruce Lewis,
Iain Baker,
Big Joe Silenced,
Steven Perez,
Pete's Got To Go,
John (bird whisperer),
Koleksiyoner Ali,
Jenny H.,
liked this
Is there a best of life button?
- FriendFeedForever
Ironically, this one: http://friendfeed.com/neonbub...
- Mark H
I'm pretty sure it was either the one where I confessed that I loved Eivind or when I announced we got married.
- Jenny H.
When I got my job at Fitbit - http://friendfeed.com/brlewis... Four years post-acquisition. FriendFeed activity didn't decrease for me.
- Bruce Lewis
Jenny, for your current account it's Tuesday's post about the shutdown: http://friendfeed.com/confess...
- Bruce Lewis
For me it's a tie: http://friendfeed.com/search...
- April Russo (FForever!)
I think it was the one about my divorce from way back when that I can't access anymore. Right now it's my FFCheers one http://friendfeed.com/iphone... and when I met John: http://friendfeed.com/zoblue... I also met Pete but can't find that post either :(
- Zulema ❧ spicy cocoa tart
Trimming my hair and beard was the most popular thing I ever did (http://friendfeed.com/eivindn...). Getting married is a close second (http://friendfeed.com/lovefes...).
- Eivind
Eivind, I declare that first post to be exhibit A in support of my declaration here: http://ff.im/1kUkp3 :P
- Jenny H.
*makes throat slashing gesture towards Zuck*
- Eivind
It was a selfie while birding: http://friendfeed.com/dendroi...
- John (bird whisperer)
probably an anniversary photo :)
- Pete's Got To Go
Aww, I was so happy when you posted that, John. :)
- Jenny H.
Baby penguin http://friendfeed.com/bitseyb...
- Penguin Sparkles
To find your post with the most likes, start at http://friendfeed.com/search... and if you get no results cut the likes: number in half. If there are too many, double the likes: number.
- Bruce Lewis
As expected, as it should be, my most popular post: http://friendfeed.com/joffi...
- Michael W. May
When I got my current job at UNCW http://friendfeed.com/jasonfl...
- FriendFeedForever
LLM announcement http://friendfeed.com/prsmith...
- Pete's Got To Go
http://friendfeed.com/lovefes... . But prior to past month, it's (goes back to 2009): http://friendfeed.com/micahwi... . But among personal posts (excluding those about FF itself), it's almost a tie between: http://friendfeed.com/lovefes... and http://friendfeed.com/micahwi... . However, pretty sure the search feature won't pull up any post that was created before (and not bumped) your most recent 10K posts.
- Micah
My graduation post. http://ff.im/1fu90V
- Colette
This "thoughts I want to share before the end" post http://ff.im/1kUkbd
- Maitani
This one from within the last month. http://ff.im/1kTR6v I know I could have used pictures of the kid to suck in more likes, but I didn't want to use him for that purpose.
- Back to just Joe
I have two posts with the most likes: 31. The second one is my #cheersff http://friendfeed.com/bentley... The first one is when Hookuh Tinypants did the Chicago Marathon http://friendfeed.com/bentley...
- bentley
When I got married again, that makes me smile. http://friendfeed.com/georgia...
- Georgia
I have no idea
- MoTO Boychick Devil
is there a search filter for that?
- We are Groot
Gunneh, see my comment above about starting with http://friendfeed.com/search... and doing binary search.
- Bruce Lewis
here it is 55 likes http://friendfeed.com/gunnyma...
- We are Groot
Sarah's birth had 78: http://friendfeed.com/stplank...
- Stephan Planken
Looks like mine is a tie, each with a measly 21 likes, both from February of last year. http://friendfeed.com/search...
This is my most-commented post, apparently: http://friendfeed.com/cgrymal...
Apparently showing my mug last night was tops. Trailing way behind was my post on translated Chinese signs: http://ff.im/1fLLbE and the Asian mom who shaved numbers into her quadruplets hair to keep track of who was who: http://ff.im/1481Q2.
- rønin
Aside from my cheers and thank you posts, it was when I met Andrew (and Joey!) http://friendfeed.com/jenn2d2...
- Jennifer Dittrich
http://ff.im/1fKFdl apparently, but that seems wrong to me
- Marissa
It's a tie between my cheers post from the other day, and the post where I announced I was accepted to grad school. However, I have deleted a lot of my feed, and I know for a fact that my original ruffle pannies post well exceeded the 100 likes mark but is sadly no longer a part of my feed.
- Hookuh Tinypants
There seems to be a limit on how far back the search goes. While I was pouring through my really, really old posts, I found a handful that had more comments/likes than the ones that were pulled up through search. Oh well.
When I adopted Ziva: http://ff.im/1glQvE
- Kristin
The only post I have with more than 40 likes is from breakfast with Jenny: http://friendfeed.com/chrisof...
- chrisofspades #FForever.
Mr & Mrs Nyce! (92) http://ff.im/10Cctz
- holly #ravingfangirl
A picture that doesn't have me in it! http://friendfeed.com/iphwin...
- CAJ was here
Most likes: http://friendfeed.com/amitp... ; most comments: http://friendfeed.com/amitp...
- Amit Patel
My grief counseling post: http://friendfeed.com/ychache...
- The Other Yvonne
HS yearbook photo http://friendfeed.com/rodfath.... Cromwell-Zod http://friendfeed.com/friendf...
- Rodfather
Most comments: Warriors vs Spurs game 1 http://friendfeed.com/sports-...
- Rodfather
My cheers post: http://friendfeed.com/abouey..., then Jessie's wedding: http://friendfeed.com/abouey...
- Anne Bouey
"roll-call for those who may be affected by Sandy (Hurricane)" http://friendfeed.com/search...
- chaz2b
- Kevin Fox
I don't know. The search engine won't find my old stuff. But this recent one got more than 200. http://friendfeed.com/louisgr...
- Louis Gray
Kol :)
- Stephen Mack
Mine is, appropriately, this one: http://friendfeed.com/iphone...
- Stephen Mack
Mine is http://friendfeed.com/lovefes... with this a close second http://friendfeed.com/lovefes... and this a close third http://friendfeed.com/parenti...
- Laura Norvig
Getting married. :) http://friendfeed.com/rochell...
- Rochelle
Funny one! "xkcd - A Webcomic - Exploits of a Mom - horrors of SQL injection vulnerabilities!" - http://friendfeed.com/susanbe...
- Susan Beebe
LOL, mine is my disclaimer post with 49 likes http://friendfeed.com/aswang...
- Victor Ganata
This one: http://friendfeed.com/lovefes...
- Corinne L
I am a bit less visible, so mine are (tie): http://friendfeed.com/julian2... | http://friendfeed.com/julian2...
- Julian
This: http://friendfeed.com/didjita... I think
- That one guy. Bren.
Well, I think it's fairly obvious with me.
- Akiva