You'd think that by now I'd be steeled to people openly expressing disgust over my hair color. And for the most part I am. But every once in a blue moon, someone is so completely mean and judgmental, it is impossible to brush off...
i bet your hair looks amazing under that blue moon light, :) - chaz2b
Chaz has won the internets. :D - Hookuh Tinypants
SMH. There are so many things in this world to be truly disgusted by, yet some people want to focus on a FUCKING HAIR COLOR, or a piercing, or whatever the fuck else don't matter. Seriously?! How small is this human's world? - AHnix (Anna Haro)
"Where's your will to be weird?" -- Jim Morrison. - Trish R
How can brightly colored hair NOT make you happy? - Starmama
Why do people wish to express their back-ass-ward opinions anyway? Ugh! - Zulema ❧ spicy cocoa tart
@Starmama, Yes! Hubs and I were in Trader Joe's bout 3 weeks ago and saw a woman with bright purple hair. It made us so happy! lol There are not many cool alterna folks in Miami, so when we see them we're like :D!!! - AHnix (Anna Haro)
Oh no, not someone being different! How.... uh, I give up. You're awesome, your hair is awesome, you rock, they need something to actually worry about. - Heather