I will probably be moving soon. I've had two very good job interviews in the last couple of weeks, and waiting to hear from one whilst negotiating with the other. One is in Seattle, and the other is in Silicon Valley. The one in Silicon Valley is a much more interesting job with more potential upside, but SV is scary expensive.
Not looking forward to packing, moving, selling the house, etc, but steady work would be nice and it's exciting to make a change. - Glen Campbell
That's awesome, Glen! - SAM
Congrats, Glen - MoTO Boychick Devil
That's great! - Stephan Planken
There might be a FFer or three out that way in SV. :) - CAJ was here
Here's to exciting changes!! - Brent Schaus
All the best, Glen – that's exciting. - Micah
SV is crazy and crazy expensive but there are also so many beautiful things here. - Gabrielle
What Gabrielle said. I don't want to move back there per se, but I really enjoyed it while I was there. - SAM
I love it in SV but housing is crazy. - Stephen Mack
Could be a tough decision. Good luck! :) - Anne Bouey
Also, California is in the midst of a serious drought. Only ONE year of water left! I'm freaked out. - Gabrielle
^^this. If these water restrictions don't make a difference and we see crazy price hikes in utilities, rent, produce, food, etc. I may have to reconsider my newfound commitment to CA. - Corinne L
The drought is scary, as is the real estate. But it's otherwise lovely. - Glen Campbell