BrowserMips - how fast is your browser? -
I get ~4900, FF 3.0.1, OS X 10.4 - Sanjeev Singh
7701, on Chrome - Rahul Das
14301, Chrome, Windows XP. 4005 with FF 3.0.1, Windows XP. - nadim
I get 2498, FF 3.0.1, OS X 10.5, on an Air (1.8GHz). - Amit Patel
Nadim, how fast is your CPU? - Sanjeev Singh
133 on iPhone - Aloof Schipperke
Intel Core 2 6600, both cores @ 2.40GHz. - nadim
Chrome 7481, IE 6 743, Flock 2 beta 2575 - Jawa Buddhavarapu
19163: Chrome, E8400 on XP - Michael Herf
Michael, you win :) - Sanjeev Singh
Looks like you need Chrome to win this contest. My 8 core Mac Pro was eeking out 6000 on Saf 3.1 and FF3, but nothing near the 15K+ that others were getting :P - Patrick Lightbody
~3400 Mozilla 1.9.1b1pre and ~12000 Google Chrome Both on Windows XP Pro, Dual core, 2G RAM - Stephen Pierzchala
8834 - Macbook Pro 2.33 Core 2 Duo, OS X 10.5.4, Webkit Nightly.. - Derek Collison
@Slippy: I get 3700 in Firefox 3.0 on Ubuntu 8.04. (Intel Core 2 @2.4GHz) - Bret Taylor
5589 on FF 3.0.1, MacOS 10.5.4 Mac Pro 2x2.66Ghx Dual Core Duo. - Kevin Fox
Funny thing is that it only seems to use one processor, so the quad-coreness doesn't seem to matter. - Kevin Fox
6260 on Chrome - Varun Mahajan
I posted scores over 30K several times. Not sure this is a meaningful measure of anything. - abacab
yeah the benchmark is single-threaded. - Sanjeev Singh
419 - (Firefox, Linux x86_64) 199 - (Konqueror 3.5, Linux) (dual 2.6 Gig, dual-core Xeons, 6 gigs of RAM) - Robert Felty
1618 - (Firefox 3.0.1, Linux x86_64) - this is on my home computer with a 1.2 GHz AMD Athlon64 (single core). Maybe the difference is between Firefox 2 and 3? - Robert Felty
yeah ff3 is a lot faster than ff2. It might seem strange but a bunch of us are excited about JS on the server, and this VM war is going to get us there sooner :) - Sanjeev Singh
20296 - Google Chrome - Vista SP1 - 4GB RAM - E8500 @ 3,16 GHZ - Lars Rune Jensen
ok Lars, you win :). abacab, what setup do you have that's getting 30K? - Sanjeev Singh
441 on FF Powerbook G4 and >7000 on Chrome on XP P4 3.2GHz - eugenio
MBP Core2Duo 2.33GHz, 2GB RAM: roughly 13,000 for Chrome via VMware Fusion and a little over 3000 for Safari 3.1.2 (native) - Mustafa K. Isik
10187 Safari 4, WebKit nightly, 4x3 macpro - Sam Pullara