Whose Line Is It Anyway? USA 2013 S09E05 9x05 Synchronized Swimmers 'Sideway Scene' Comedy Scene - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
Luiz Antonio: Why He Doesn't Want to Eat Octopus - Translated into English - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
It just take me little longer - Scott's story - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
Deer Jams to Bangarang on Bus - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
Zachary Quinto vs. Leonard Nimoy: "The Challenge" - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
Charles Ramsey interview, rescuer of Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus and Michelle Knight in Cleveland - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
Recent Customer engagements – handling file uploads and streaming content - http://blog.browsermob.com/2011...
Tip & Trick: Schedule your load test for up to 60 minutes - http://blog.browsermob.com/2011...
Pretty cool video showing Steve Jobs and the original NeXT team... - http://blog.lightbody.net/post...
Repost: Straight From the Horse’s Mouth: Load Testing Best Practices from Our Customers - http://blog.browsermob.com/2011...
From this year’s GTAC: A good overview of Kevin... - http://blog.lightbody.net/post...
A Sister’s Eulogy for Steve Jobs - http://blog.lightbody.net/post...
Scripting for BrowserMob using WebDriver - http://blog.browsermob.com/2011...
Where the heck has Patrick been? - http://blog.lightbody.net/post...
Battlefield 3 looks awesome. I was a big fan of Battlefield: Bad... - http://blog.lightbody.net/post...
From Steve Jobs' Biography: "I'm going to destroy Android" - http://blog.lightbody.net/post...
From Steve Jobs' Biography: "I'm going to destroy Android" - http://www.macrumors.com/2011...
I love Steve and I love Apple. But it is annoying to see reports of Steve and others claim that Android ripped off the iPhone but few reports of the reverse. The new iOS 5 notifications are awesome. They also are a total copy of Android's. It goes both ways. - Patrick Lightbody
Repost: Website Monitoring Is Just as Important as Analyzing Traffic Data - http://blog.browsermob.com/2011...
Pretty cool Steve Jobs tribute video that walks through the... - http://blog.lightbody.net/post...
Newsflash: people still buy software - http://blog.lightbody.net/post...
Amazon Lets You Spin Up A Supercomputer Cluster - http://blog.lightbody.net/post...
Amazon Lets You Spin Up A Supercomputer Cluster - http://techcrunch.com/2011...
We (BrowserMob) routinely launch thousands of instances on Amazon EC2 every day. Back in 2008 when I started the company, my bet was that as big as EC2 was then, it was only going to get bigger and cheaper. And boy did it! Today we're one of Amazon's largest users, in terms of peak concurrent instances/CPU cores. We don't quite do the 30K CPU cores that is referenced in this article, but we get pretty close. What's really cool is we do it all serf-service: our customers schedule load tests thatm under the covers, deploy massive amounts of hardware within minutes. It's really amazing to watch as we launch hundreds of thousands of servers every month. But as useful as load testing in the cloud is, it's still admittedly a simplistic use case that probably isn't changing the world as we know it. What I'm really excited about are all the people who now can rent supercomputers and do serious science. With Amazon's recent foray in to GPU compute clusters, I expect to see some really cool... - Patrick Lightbody
Predator-Inspired Ammo Backpack Cobbled Together By Soldiers In Afghanistan - http://blog.lightbody.net/post...
Predator-Inspired Ammo Backpack Cobbled Together By Soldiers In Afghanistan - http://techcrunch.com/2011...
"People think focus means saying yes to the thing you’ve got to focus on. But that’s not what it..." - http://blog.lightbody.net/post...
Really awesome video showing off techniques for inserting... - http://blog.lightbody.net/post...
HALL.com Raises $580K From Founder’s Collective And Others To Transform Realtime Collaboration - http://blog.lightbody.net/post...
HALL.com Raises $580K From Founder’s Collective And Others To Transform Realtime Collaboration - http://techcrunch.com/2011...
I've had the pleasure of watching Brett go through several iterations on his idea and I he's going to do great with Hall.com. Despite the "big" players in the space like Jive (my old employer), Yammer, and Salesforce, there is still plenty of room for innovation and disruption in group collaboration, including in the enterprise. It doesn't hurt that his investors (Founder's Collective and PivotNorth) are a great bunch. Good luck Brett! - Patrick Lightbody
HALL.com Raises $580K From Founder’s Collective And Others To Transform Realtime Collaboration - http://techcrunch.com/2011...